Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

hi - all this talk of chics & hatching got me started so set 24 eggs (purebred light Sussex)
today is day 16 ,candled day 14 ,22 going great ,removed 2 clears.
not bad as my roo is 5yrs old.
am trying out a different time to incubate,as we r entering autumn here down under ,

hope for a good hatch, i can grow out over winter to sell as POL in spring

cheers Pete

Purebred Lt Sussex.....Pure envy buddy
You ought to see Pete's think you've got envy NOW.
Beauty of form and function, big, healthy and beautiful birds....what all the breeders are trying to get, Pete's got in spades at his place.

That seems to be the case with birds down under. They have Andalusians down there that are a sight to behold. My birds are a work in progress, and though I'm making progress, those birds make mine look pretty bad and in all actuality I suppose they are... most of them. I have a few though that give me lots of hope!
Beekissed, I have the exact same flashlight as yours. Today I stuck it inside a toilet paper tube and WOW, the difference is amazing. Previously I tried putting it in a small canning jar with a washcloth holding it upright, and replaced the lid insert with cardboard and some black felt, with a hole about the size of a standard hole-punch. Lot of work, lousy results.

I circled the top of the toilet paper tube with my thumb and index finger to block the light leakage. Oh, and if you don't have a perfectly dark room, cover the window with cardboard and duct tape (yup, it looks awesome . . .) or try a closet.
Picking up the goose and turkey eggs today, as of this morning she had gathered 15 turkey eggs but hadn't checked yet for more.. Could have 19!! Trying to work out how to put the goose eggs with the turkey and then later a few chicken eggs in my bator...

On a sad note, went out to clean coops and feed and water the three pens (one for the adults, one for the chicks and one for the in-betweens , while mucking out the old hay in the in-betweens pen found my RIR chick had gotten itself stuck between the wall and nesting box I had placed in there, it was dead
My fault, DH asked a few days ago whether I should move that further away and I didn't... It was the prettiest one too, my other two aren't as deep red..
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