Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

x2!! And you are doing good with your candling... I about gave up and don't candle till after day 7, then again day 14 and then after any don't hatch at the 24hr late mark (since they are all started the same, I wouldn't do it on a staggered hatch)
My candler isn't exactly scientific.... I took a foil bag from fancy DH has a major dark chocolate weakness, so it is the perfect gift for him LOL.......cut a hole in the bottom, cut a toilet paper roll about 1/2 length and stuck it through hole and taped it in place with duct tape. Hold flashlight in hand, put bag over hand and light, set egg (cupped in hand) on other end of TP roll and see whatever you can. The set up seems to concentrate the light and it shows me enough to be able to pull clear or sloshy eggs.

That sounds like an excellent setup for candling! And quite suitable for this low budget and DIY kinda thread.

Now I have to ask....sloshy eggs? I've seen this sort of thing in my candling and a few I candled yesterday had a little bit of slosh....what causes this?

Whooooo!! Yay! That's awesome! My first real viable group went into lockdown this morning.

Can't wait to see the results!! Do you think you'll repeat the SNNI now that you have a source of viable eggs?
That sounds like an excellent setup for candling!  And quite suitable for this low budget and DIY kinda thread.  :D

Now I have to ask....sloshy eggs?  I've seen this sort of thing in my candling and a few I candled yesterday had a little bit of slosh....what causes this? 

:woot     Can't wait to see the results!!  Do you think you'll repeat the SNNI now that you have a source of viable eggs? 

I may tho my dh may have killed my heating pad trying to set up my box with a light so we could see in and keep the temps up
YAY Bee!!!

Glad to hear that this is possibly your best clutch yet!! Know that i'm praying for your lil chickies and of course, you too!!

I just set my first clutch about an hour ago...I prayed over them and asked God to offer His divine power and to teach me through this process. Now to let nature do it's thing and hopefully in 21 LONG days i'll be watching in amazement as little fuzzy butts hatch forth into this world!!! i can't wait!! And i have a 15 year old who is texting me from between classes asking how the set went and how they are's gonna be a nervous nelly through this whole hatch...hahahaha!! So blessed that she loves chickens as much as i do.

list of what i set...

6- crested cream legbars
6- appenzeller barthuhners
6- golden cuckoo marans
6- chocolate orpingtons LF
2- chocolate orpington bantams
8- rhodebars

i might die from anticipation...i don't know how you've been able to wait on your batches...i'm a nervous!!
I will most definitely be praying for this most varied hatch as well!!! What a treat to be hatching out such a variety!!! Please keep us posted on how it all goes and, of course, with detailed pics when you finish....there are breeds you've mentioned that I've never heard of, let alone seen.

Isn't this fun?

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