Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I will most definitely be praying for this most varied hatch as well!!! What a treat to be hatching out such a variety!!! Please keep us posted on how it all goes and, of course, with detailed pics when you finish....there are breeds you've mentioned that I've never heard of, let alone seen.

Isn't this fun?
i love this!! It's so very exciting to see what everyone has and what they've learned throughout their trials and errors. now to just pass this along to the younger generations so that they can learn to appreciate the simple things in life.

i've searched the forums about some of the breeds and it seems like they end up dying out for lack of interest. I'm gonna post some comments in those threads and see what comes of it. Hope there are people out there still who want to share some knowledge and insight about some of the breeds. i love to learn!!

the lady that i bought my eggs from loves rare breeds and i do too. she bought a few of the breeds from hatcheries a few years ago and has taken pains to keep them going. i actually only bought 2 dozen from her and she threw in the 10 extra eggs because she thought i might like them too. I guess she recognized the chicken junkie in me...hahahaha!! i like having something who knows me can certainly attest to that!!
]My temp got to 104 for a good portion of today. What do you think are they ok? I think it's because thy are starting to give off heat from the eggs.
Quick question for all you experienced folk. :)

Im almost finished building a new 3x4 foot and 4 foot tall coop because the old one is falling apart. I have 4 hens now but my broody is sitting on five developing eggs (unexpected arrivals) No predators in my area and hens have complete free range all day and night on 2 acres.

How many hens can a 3x4 foot and 4 foot tall coop hold?
Also I'm in ireland mild weather, hens go outside all year round they only use coop for roosting.
I always err on the side of caution with permanent flock members and stocking rates for buildings. I have, on occasion, made allowances for temporary situations like growing out meat birds or some chicks before selling them, when I stocked my coop higher than my usual.....but for long term living I like to allow 6-8 sq ft for each LF bird, even when free ranged at all times. There are just times that necessitate being confined to the coop for a day or so that are unavoidable and then is when that space is necessary, not to mention the humidity levels generated at night while they are all on the roost~and just providing adequate roost space in a small coop is a challenge.

Most of the books say 4 sq ft, so in a coop your size that allows for 3 LF birds, max. If it's only a temporary situation you might be able to push it and many do, but for long term I'd be expanding the coop or decreasing stocking rates.

Thanks so much bee was figuring I had to start a new coop anyway just needed confirmation, still hope all of them hatch safe even though its going to cost me making another coop from scratch, but at least its something I enjoy doing :) as a hobby :)
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Sorry for the false call there guys, my mom said 104... Or atleast it soused like that over the phone. Was only 102 .. PHEW
How awesome is that. IMO, day 10 is the best candling day. The chicks are jumping all over the place. after that, they are not as active. I just laid my eggs flat. They are on day 17 in a conventional incubator. Unfortunately, there will be more cold and warm spots, but I prefer to let them lay flat for a more natural hatch.
How interesting for you to mention day 10 for candling. Today was day 10 for my incubation of Bresse and Marans egg.....I had 35 of 42 "swimmers" today. Your are correct, they were all over the place! I could even see them in my Marans eggs! I am pleased with the viability of the eggs, especially since we had some really cold days, and I was afraid that they had gotten too cold.
Great news!!!
Just thought I'd candle a couple of random eggs in the clutch and guess what???? I know what you guys are seeing now!!!!!
The first two I picked up had veins and a red spot the veins were stemming from. Clear as a bell! The third one I candled looked like something was going on in there but I couldn't see veins...but the yolk was not still a yolk and the air cell on that one had grown.

Something is growing in there, boys and girls!!! This is Day 4.

You know, the eggs gathered in the other nests were laid in extremely cold weather and some had been left in the nests over night, most were not fertile, etc. I'm wondering if the severe cold weather affected fertility and also might have killed embryos already in the make in those eggs. I've been reading on the breeder thread and many of them had the same problem when hatching at that time.

I think this group of eggs will have the best chance I've had since this all began and will be the true test of this method.
Way to go Bee. Candle again on day 10!

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