Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I'm all for simply funny April Fool's jokes---like several have said, I don't ever like to make someone look foolish or do anything mean spirited.

Now I have a problem, though....... I have a mind that thinks in pictures...... It didn't take me long to go from "tin-foil hat" conspiracy theorists, to chickens with tin foil in their nest boxes, to chickens wearing tin foil hats.....
Awwwww, its killing me.......
On a happier note...this is the first day of April!!!!
Spring is here and I'll be planting seeds indoors any day now so that I can plant seedlings outside about mid-May. We still have to worry about frost clear up until then, so it's always a leap of faith to put the seedlings. And I'll be planting lettuce and spinach real soon! Garden time has come!!!!

New chicks, meat chicks, gardens, coop tweaks, green grass, blue sky, fruit trees in blossom, thunderstorms, baby farm animals, spring peepers, turkeys gobbling of a morning, fresh air and all that is lovely about spring is starting this month!!!
It's before the nuisance bugs arrive, before it gets too hot, baby birds are cheeping, and everything brown is turning to of my favorite months of the year!

April, how I love thee!!!

Being in Alabama we got to start early... I did take the gamble on some less hardy seedlings and lost them in some unexpected frost. Just zucchini and nasturtium though. I've had spinach, cabbage, turnips etc. in the ground in February. Mid-April is our last frost date, so I am very pleased with that!

19 days til our daughter dearest is due.. Dr confirmed that she'll likely be on time (dialated "1 finger" at the moment
). Step-sons birthday on the 17th. Busy, busy month

Hard to believe how warm it is right now! The moment April started, the temps sky rocketed. It's going to be 80F Wednesday!

I'm all for simply funny April Fool's jokes---like several have said, I don't ever like to make someone look foolish or do anything mean spirited.

Now I have a problem, though....... I have a mind that thinks in pictures...... It didn't take me long to go from "tin-foil hat" conspiracy theorists, to chickens with tin foil in their nest boxes, to chickens wearing tin foil hats.....
Awwwww, its killing me.......

No worries, that same image came to mind.
Awwwww, congrats on the new grandbaby!!!!!
I don't even have any wildflower seeds planted yet.....will have to wait on those too. This year is just too unpredictable.

I think someone with good photoshopping skills should "put" a tinfoil hat on their broody and post it to that thread and say you found a short cut to the experiment and it has 100% success.
Great minds and all that jazz

My scarlet runner beans have gone crazy the past week. They're 5 inches tall in one week! Hoping all my wildflowers will start sprouting soon. I made a new garden bed just for the wildflowers and just broadcasted the seed (poppies, milkweed, hyssop, chamomile, yarrow and a bunch of herbs too).

The chicks are growing like weeds too. Little beasties.
Being in Alabama we got to start early... I did take the gamble on some less hardy seedlings and lost them in some unexpected frost. Just zucchini and nasturtium though. I've had spinach, cabbage, turnips etc. in the ground in February. Mid-April is our last frost date, so I am very pleased with that!

19 days til our daughter dearest is due.. Dr confirmed that she'll likely be on time (dialated "1 finger" at the moment
). Step-sons birthday on the 17th. Busy, busy month

Hard to believe how warm it is right now! The moment April started, the temps sky rocketed. It's going to be 80F Wednesday!

No worries, that same image came to mind.

Yeah, now that I was totally suckered, I flash on Mel Gibson's kids in that alien invasion movie.
In tin hats sharped like a funnel.
Great minds and all that jazz

My scarlet runner beans have gone crazy the past week. They're 5 inches tall in one week! Hoping all my wildflowers will start sprouting soon. I made a new garden bed just for the wildflowers and just broadcasted the seed (poppies, milkweed, hyssop, chamomile, yarrow and a bunch of herbs too).

The chicks are growing like weeds too. Little beasties.
I'm planting some of the same varieties! Doing some poppy, milkweed, calendula, tickseed, windflowers and various others I can't remember but they all were butterfly attractants....the bees and butterflies really worked our flowers over last year and the chickens gleaned so many bugs from those plants, got shade and even shelter from hawks from them. Will be planting even more this year.

Yeah, now that I was totally suckered, I flash on Mel Gibson's kids in that alien invasion movie.
In tin hats sharped like a funnel.

Signs!!! I had the same image!

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