Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Anybody ever watch a rabbit give birth?? LOL..

We raise rabbits for meat and had an unintended encounter between our breeding male and one of the 6 Mo old females... My fault but nothing I could do about it once the deed was done, Moved her to the nursing hutch a few weeks ago and last week she started gathering hay to make a nest, knew the birth would happen inside a week...Just went out to feed and water the animals and saw that she had pulled fur so opened her cage and to my amazement she had pulled fur all over the wire floor and had started birthing already... I calmly put some hay down in the birthing box and then some of her fur and one by one started putting the newborns in, they were still warm so I knew they were just moments old, as I was doing this I happened to glance at her and out pops another, so hard to not get exited but I remained calm, waited for her to clean it off and added it and out pops another.. all total she had three with me standing there, after she was done I gathered the rest of her fur and placed it on top of the kits (I didn't count as I put the first ones in but I think all total she had 10) Waited a moment to make sure she was done and then closed her cage and left her alone to take care of the chickens, came back to feed and water the rest of the rabbits and she was in the birthing box with them. I don't expect them all to survive, its been my experience they typically cant raise more than 8 , but hope she didn't get to spooked with me there, our last newbie mother over a three day period killed all her newborns, we culled her a month later. We have one solid good momma rabbit and was hoping to add this one to the breeders but I was wanting to wait til she was atleast 9 mo old..

Cross your fingers for her that she can atleast raise a few and that I didn't mess her up moving her babies...

But how cool, I watched baby rabbits being born!!!
Anybody ever watch a rabbit give birth?? LOL..

We raise rabbits for meat and had an unintended encounter between our breeding male and one of the 6 Mo old females... My fault but nothing I could do about it once the deed was done, Moved her to the nursing hutch a few weeks ago and last week she started gathering hay to make a nest, knew the birth would happen inside a week...Just went out to feed and water the animals and saw that she had pulled fur so opened her cage and to my amazement she had pulled fur all over the wire floor and had started birthing already... I calmly put some hay down in the birthing box and then some of her fur and one by one started putting the newborns in, they were still warm so I knew they were just moments old, as I was doing this I happened to glance at her and out pops another, so hard to not get exited but I remained calm, waited for her to clean it off and added it and out pops another.. all total she had three with me standing there, after she was done I gathered the rest of her fur and placed it on top of the kits (I didn't count as I put the first ones in but I think all total she had 10) Waited a moment to make sure she was done and then closed her cage and left her alone to take care of the chickens, came back to feed and water the rest of the rabbits and she was in the birthing box with them. I don't expect them all to survive, its been my experience they typically cant raise more than 8 , but hope she didn't get to spooked with me there, our last newbie mother over a three day period killed all her newborns, we culled her a month later. We have one solid good momma rabbit and was hoping to add this one to the breeders but I was wanting to wait til she was atleast 9 mo old..

Cross your fingers for her that she can atleast raise a few and that I didn't mess her up moving her babies...

But how cool, I watched baby rabbits being born!!!
How cool is that.....too bad you weren't carrying your video camera!!!
Well, wasn't able to try this, Bee. Two of my ducks went broody lol. I may try with my Mallard's eggs once she decides to lay again lol. I still have one other duck who isn't broody, but I haven't found any other eggs. One nest is too large, so I'm thinking maybe tomorrow I'll take some of those eggs and do this, if I decide to. But those eggs are all only a couple weeks away from hatching.
I had my phone but was more worried 1) with getting those babies off the wire floor and 2) spooking her too much...

But the thought did cross my mind
Hopefully her being a young mother means she will take all of the help she can get and not be spooked!
Hopefully her being a young mother means she will take all of the help she can get and not be spooked!

Went out open the door to let Momma broody out if she wanted, peeked into the rabbit hutch and there is a lot of wiggling...looks like she pulled more fur to cover them...Just backed away, wont do a head count til either tonight or even tomorrow, let her get used to those wiggly things..

She is a pretty mild mannered rabbit, kinda like her momma who is our best breeder, so hopefully wont care that my scent is on her babies as she is used to me being around so much..
Anybody ever watch a rabbit give birth?? LOL..

We raise rabbits for meat and had an unintended encounter between our breeding male and one of the 6 Mo old females... My fault but nothing I could do about it once the deed was done, Moved her to the nursing hutch a few weeks ago and last week she started gathering hay to make a nest, knew the birth would happen inside a week...Just went out to feed and water the animals and saw that she had pulled fur so opened her cage and to my amazement she had pulled fur all over the wire floor and had started birthing already... I calmly put some hay down in the birthing box and then some of her fur and one by one started putting the newborns in, they were still warm so I knew they were just moments old, as I was doing this I happened to glance at her and out pops another, so hard to not get exited but I remained calm, waited for her to clean it off and added it and out pops another.. all total she had three with me standing there, after she was done I gathered the rest of her fur and placed it on top of the kits (I didn't count as I put the first ones in but I think all total she had 10) Waited a moment to make sure she was done and then closed her cage and left her alone to take care of the chickens, came back to feed and water the rest of the rabbits and she was in the birthing box with them. I don't expect them all to survive, its been my experience they typically cant raise more than 8 , but hope she didn't get to spooked with me there, our last newbie mother over a three day period killed all her newborns, we culled her a month later. We have one solid good momma rabbit and was hoping to add this one to the breeders but I was wanting to wait til she was atleast 9 mo old..

Cross your fingers for her that she can atleast raise a few and that I didn't mess her up moving her babies...

But how cool, I watched baby rabbits being born!!!

How exciting! I hope she will be able to raise them without any problems! Don't forget to post pictures when you can.

Lisa :)
Bee, a while back I made a comment about sloshy eggs and you asked about them... I'm sorry, because I don't think I ever responded.... I have trouble sometimes keeping things straight if I can't answer right away when I am either at work or just finished a long shift...

So... my explanation of what I call a 'sloshy' egg. When you candle you normally see a defined air cell which is stable on the end of the egg.... even when you turn it the cell stays put. After about day 7 on a 'sloshy' egg you will see the air bubble as just a roaming bubble which moves depending on how you hold the egg and the dark matter seems to be roiling around in it sort of like the colored oil in one of those 70's lava lamps. I believe many refer to these as 'quitters', or embryos which die part way through development. I do not break these open!! I don't even want to begin to know what is inside!
Though I suppose someone wanting to 'eggtopsy' them may do it by placing them into a zippy bag first, then breaking them open.
Bee, a while back I made a comment about sloshy eggs and you asked about them... I'm sorry, because I don't think I ever responded.... I have trouble sometimes keeping things straight if I can't answer right away when I am either at work or just finished a long shift...

So... my explanation of what I call a 'sloshy' egg. When you candle you normally see a defined air cell which is stable on the end of the egg.... even when you turn it the cell stays put. After about day 7 on a 'sloshy' egg you will see the air bubble as just a roaming bubble which moves depending on how you hold the egg and the dark matter seems to be roiling around in it sort of like the colored oil in one of those 70's lava lamps. I believe many refer to these as 'quitters', or embryos which die part way through development. I do not break these open!! I don't even want to begin to know what is inside!
Though I suppose someone wanting to 'eggtopsy' them may do it by placing them into a zippy bag first, then breaking them open.

Yay....I wanted to know that too! Thank you fisherlady!
. . . . I do not break these open!!  I don't even want to begin to know what is inside! :sick   Though I suppose someone wanting to 'eggtopsy' them may do it by placing them into a zippy bag first, then breaking them open. 

Just a heads-up: even when sealed inside a plastic bag, the stench of these eggs can be horrific . . .

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