Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Absolutely precious!  Say goodbye to your house pants... LOL

Yep I know that are old with a hole in the groin.


Ain't I cute?

Note my hand is tiny think xxs gloves tiny
Here are a few pictures. I will take more and upload then tomorrow.


The brooder box. The heating pad is wrapped up inside an old pair of my house pants. I need to add a wire frame tomorrow.

All 6 about 30 minutes after the 4 toed one hatched and right after the first duck did. yes we did remove the shell. It kept breaking veins.

The first 3 in the brooder.

And again.
soooo cute!!
aussie Pete ~
those chicks! I'm waiting a few weeks to set up a couple of breeding pens for my copper marans and buckeyes. The buckeye hen has been broody twice this winter. Just came off about a week or so ago. Now when I will want her to be broody she won't!!
But I say all of this to say, I can't wait for babies!!!! They are adorable and congrats on the great hatch!
aussie Pete ~
those chicks! I'm waiting a few weeks to set up a couple of breeding pens for my copper marans and buckeyes. The buckeye hen has been broody twice this winter. Just came off about a week or so ago. Now when I will want her to be broody she won't!!
But I say all of this to say, I can't wait for babies!!!! They are adorable and congrats on the great hatch!
Buckeye chicks are about the cutest I have ever been around (other than my mutts of course, but I am prejudiced! LOL). and I currently have a Buckeye pullet who is trying her darndest to be broody at 7.5 months! I have tried having a stern talk with her but she doesn't want to listen.
. She hasn't plucked her chest yet, so I am hoping she gives up the idea for a few more months. I have enough broody hormones in the coop as it is. Gracie is hatching her clutch already (set on a Saturday afternoon, so not due till tomorrow) I heard one baby under her already,
and she is talking to it... so she is maintaining her history of hatching in 20 days. This is her 5th hatch for me in 15 months, and every one has started (and usually done actually) on day 20?... guess she just cooks them a bit faster than normal!

I have another Silver Pencil Rock due on Easter saturday, she has 12 eggs and DH said he couldn't wait, so he candled them last night (only day 6, usually I wait till day 10) and he is all happy, said all are growing. The other 3 SPRs are now officially raising all 3 of their clutches together, so it is a sea of chicks running around with them. Was cute 2 days ago, 2 of the SPRs were taking a spa break in some loamy soil and the 3rd was on babysitter duty. She could hardly scratch without tripping over a chick. LOL
I was rather shocked at the size of the chicks in that last hatch and how small were the eggs they came out of. It just doesn't seem possible that a chick that big could fit into that small of a space.

Shoot! I was kind of hoping the FF would turn out more pullets. I've had that happen when giving ACV to meat rabbits and have also had a high pullet rate in my broody hatches in the past when using ACV in the water, as well as more ewe lambs with the sheep, so was wondering if the FF would produce the same. I know folks laugh at that and say it's not possible but it's been playing out at my place for years now and have read reports of the same for other farmers, particularly with sheep, after using the ACV in the water.

I'd like to practice my feather sexing abilities with this hatch and then band the ones I think are cockerels just to see if I'm any good at it when the other signs start to show.

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