Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Hey Bee! The old-timers used to put a knife under the mattress to 'cut the pain'. Maybe you should do that! (Don't you backhand me-please)

Lisa :)
I'll do it for her....twice!
Hey Bee, how is everything? I missed like a hundred pages, so I'm sorry if everything's been explained already. Did nest #3 ever make it? I think I remember reading something about a fourth nest? I've been busy myself.

I don't have one broody duck... I have three! Lol.
Will you guys hold my hand and help me breathe when the pains get closer together?
That's sort of what it feels like.....dreading but hoping, praying they will all hatch normally and be healthy, scared I'll have to help or make a decision to not help, afraid I'll do something wrong again andharm a chick, etc. In the back of my mind I keep thinking, "WHY did you even start this thing????" and it's much like a woman in labor....funny, isn't it?

Oh, the drama of it all......

You have no idea how true this is....

39 weeks, 1 day.. measured at 40 weeks today! OB asked if I considered induction (AAARGH not again!). Will have some candling.. I mean.. ultrasound pics to share on Thursday, we're gonna see how big she is and decide next Monday what to do, if she has not made her appearance.

I am going through all those emotions: induce? wait? I am getting pretty nervous
Nevermind, Bee, I just read back a few pages. I know enough to comment. Congratulations on bringing this nest this far. I hope everything works out and all your chicks hatch when they're supposed to!
Hey Bee, how is everything? I missed like a hundred pages, so I'm sorry if everything's been explained already. Did nest #3 ever make it? I think I remember reading something about a fourth nest? I've been busy myself.

I don't have one broody duck... I have three! Lol.

Lucky you! Nest three had three chicks make it to the end, one hatched out, the other two pipped internally and I didn't know enough to pip them externally to let them breathe. I also increased the humidity too much. The one that hatched was named Hootie and then he met with an unfortunate accident. Now on Nest #4 and have 18 eggs coming into the final countdown....Day 21 is on Wednesday this week 4/16. I think 3-4 of those might have died as well, so might just have 14-15 chicks coming into the hatch date, out of 27 eggs set.

The only humidity added to this nest was a quart of water added to the soil in the nest when I set up the nest and none has been added since then. Temps have been maintained within normal limits throughout the hatch~even took the nest on an overnight trip with me across the state and the temps were maintained perfectly throughout the trip with the use of a hot water bottle during transit and with the pad during the stay.

Plans are such that I won't be adding any humidity during or prior to the hatch and will let the pips humidify the process and I will try to not keep the pad over the eggs too tightly as they hatch...will likely apply a frame to keep the pad up off the eggs to let humidity escape and let the cool air stimulate the chicks to work at getting out.

That's the run down...
You have no idea how true this is....

39 weeks, 1 day.. measured at 40 weeks today! OB asked if I considered induction (AAARGH not again!). Will have some candling.. I mean.. ultrasound pics to share on Thursday, we're gonna see how big she is and decide next Monday what to do, if she has not made her appearance.

I am going through all those emotions: induce? wait? I am getting pretty nervous

They suggest that more for their convenience then for getting the babies out. All three of mine were induced and if I knew then what I know now, I would have refused to have it done. Women have been having babies since the Earth began without needing any inducing for it. My third one went into distress over the inducement and I had to have an emergency C-section.

Inducing is like someone lying in a bed, minding their own business and an elephant walks up and steps on her stomach and stands there a bit just munching and thinking about things. No working up to it gradually....just
right after the meds hit your system.

After all my kids were born I went to school to become a nurse and what I learned made me want to kick myself for listening to the doctors and letting them induce my pregnancies.

It's just like anything else in this life that is inevitable....that baby will come. Never met a woman yet who just kept being pregnant because her body forgot to have the baby.
I'll do it for her....twice!
You just like slapping Lisa...admit it.
When I have friends like you two...... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

You have no idea how true this is....

39 weeks, 1 day.. measured at 40 weeks today! OB asked if I considered induction (AAARGH not again!). Will have some candling.. I mean.. ultrasound pics to share on Thursday, we're gonna see how big she is and decide next Monday what to do, if she has not made her appearance.

I am going through all those emotions: induce? wait? I am getting pretty nervous
How are you feeling?

Lisa :)

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