Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

tomtommom - when I had my one and only little girl (22 years ago), she went 42 weeks. I thought she would never come out. My sister gave me a word of advice on how to get things started, and it worked for me. She said to soak in a warm tub and while in there to stimulate my nipples to release my body's own pitocin (your husband can help with this part). I tried it and my labor started withing an hour. So, this might be worth a try....
Amelia Eleanora.. It took us forever to pick a middle name, but Amelia came about fairly quick.

I want my daughter to be strong, spirited, passionate.. but still be a lady. Amelia Earhart seemed only a natural rolemodel.

When we found out we were having a girl, her dad was like "What am I going to do with a girl?" and I told him, "The same as you do with a boy". I don't believe in coddling girls... nor do I believe in boys having to "man up". The boys have a play kitchen and a doll, as well as cars and blocks. Their dad is luckily a very balanced man. He voluntarily watches sappy movies (and will sniffle at them!), but loves explosions, guns, cars and powertools just like any other guy.
I am very fortunate to have him

I was sadly too quick to decide about the "unassisted hatch".

The maternity clinic called and I will be having my baby Monday, if she does not come out on her own. I am sort of freaking out.. I will have to go in Sunday evening and get things going slowly and stay overnight, to be induced Monday morning. The clinic nurse said she wouldn't have asked me to do this if it was simply the size of the baby, but she's really concerned about the amount of fluid left for the baby. The technician had not mentioned lack of fluid.. so yeah. I can honestly say this maternity clinic has been nothing but honest and respectful and I do believe they wouldn't suggest induction, unless needed.

Atleast they're applying something to get things started slowly, rather than last time where they went straight to the pitocin shot.

Hate to keep hijacking your thread, Bee. I am enjoying reading all y'alls posts! I've been just freaking out a bit since that call... it does feel good to have so many likeminded ladies behind me.

Awwww, that's a shame. I'll pray that you have a regular delivery like you are supposed to have before they induce. I'd be asking for diagnostics to back up this claim of low fluid...why in the world would you run out of fluids before your due date even? Doesn't sound on the level to me. People go 2 wks and beyond on pregnancies and still have plenty of doesn't lose that too much unless they are leaking or have broken the amniotic sac, do they?

I still think it's fishy that all these OBGYNs are suggesting inducement at the drop of a hat and on the flimsiest of excuses...I call it money, money and money on top of convenience. And if they can throw the baby into distress they might be able to pull a C-section out of the deal and really sock you for dough. Sorry if I sound cynical but have been in the nursing profession too long to take any of it on face value any longer....
Just caught up... 2 Out and more peeping right?? Congrats Bee!!!!

I am still sitting on my hands, 9 Bourbon Reds, 5 Geese and 2 of my SIL Speckled eggs in the first incubator 9 or 10 days left.... 2nd incubator 22 Bourbon Reds and 7 of my barnyard mix chicken eggs... Only on day 9
Awwww, that's a shame. I'll pray that you have a regular delivery like you are supposed to have before they induce. I'd be asking for diagnostics to back up this claim of low fluid...why in the world would you run out of fluids before your due date even? Doesn't sound on the level to me. People go 2 wks and beyond on pregnancies and still have plenty of doesn't lose that too much unless they are leaking or have broken the amniotic sac, do they?

I still think it's fishy that all these OBGYNs are suggesting inducement at the drop of a hat and on the flimsiest of excuses...I call it money, money and money on top of convenience. And if they can throw the baby into distress they might be able to pull a C-section out of the deal and really sock you for dough. Sorry if I sound cynical but have been in the nursing profession too long to take any of it on face value any longer....

I was on Blue cross blue shield last time, with an OB.. and I felt constantly pressured, she started suggesting induction at 36 or 38 weeks. This time it's a clinic that does Medicaid... we're seen by nurse practioners, rather than OBs. I actually talked to them about it on Monday and she asked which clinic I prefered. I told her the current one, because they have absolutely NOT been pushy. They've been really good to me, very understanding, very encouraging.

In the area I live, almost all babies are born too early, low birthtweight... really young moms.. moms that continue to smoke or worse, lots of pre-eclampsia. At one of my appointments a few weeks back, a sheriff deputy escorted a lady in orange jumpsuit to her appointment.. that sort of tells you all. Rural, low income area.. sex-ed isn't happening, even though they're all screwing around like rabbits.. and a lot of generational poverty.. living on government assistance is just part of the planning. When I had my first son, my co-workers would ask me why I wasn't getting WIC and Medicaid, as if it's crazy to NOT depend on that stuff.
It's really, really sad, but that's the area.

Anyway, on to happier things.

I am waiting it out before I pull out the big guns
Aiming to try and get things going on Saturday. I've been munching my flax seed, brewer's yeast and oatmeal cookies to amp up the dairy factory for the young lady. Been munching my dates, which are supposed to help things move smoother... munching my pineapple... Keeping the third trimester tea (Red Raspberry Leaf, Spearmint, Stinging Nettle, Oatstraw, Chamomile Flower, Rosehips, Alfalfa) for Saturday, as I have heard that stuff can work rather instantly.. Hubby has been very excited to do his part
Will make sure to do some brisk walking and whatnot.

I am not surprised about the tech not saying anything about lack of fluid... they're only allowed to share positive stuff... any negative results have to be passed along by the health care professional.

It'll all work out. I'm sure. One way or another, y'all will be getting some pics sometime next week

Y'all are awesome!
Ladies, can you help?

This is a new one for me--I've had 10 chicks hatch out yesterday and today, all fine and uneventful but the last 2. They came out wet and sticky--I'm pretty sure the humidity really spiked because so many hatched at once. Both of them had gummed up eyes. I rinsed both as well as I could and got them to their warm nest. They seem fine but what is with this? I've 3 more left to hatch. What in the world causes this dog hair look? Very coarse and wiry looking--not normal chick fuzz.

Bee, these are Scott's Columbian Rocks--3 are fine, 2 weird and one left to go.
Ladies, can you help?

This is a new one for me--I've had 10 chicks hatch out yesterday and today, all fine and uneventful but the last 2. They came out wet and sticky--I'm pretty sure the humidity really spiked because so many hatched at once. Both of them had gummed up eyes. I rinsed both as well as I could and got them to their warm nest. They seem fine but what is with this? I've 3 more left to hatch. What in the world causes this dog hair look? Very coarse and wiry looking--not normal chick fuzz.

Bee, these are Scott's Columbian Rocks--3 are fine, 2 weird and one left to go.

I had a chick that hatched once after a multi hatch bonanza.. It came out very wet of course and just laid in the bator... checked on it later and it was still laying there, I was so worried, didn't think it would make it.. It didn't look like it had dried at all so I finally decided to take it out and look at it closer.. It was stuck to the bator floor!! Its fur was hard and stuck to it.. I got a very soft childs toothbrush, ran some warm water and just started cleaning the poor baby, I back brushed it to make sure I was getting it off then when I was done I gave it a drop or two of sugar water and put it back in the incubator.. within a few hours it was up, fully fluffed and dry and running around...I don't know if this is your problem but it kinda sounded like my situation.
Quote: Yes, sounds like it to me too. They are sleeping now so I will let them rest and try washing them again. They were not shrink wrapped as they got out of shells fine, I think they got wet, sticky and membrane just kinda melded on them--does that sound plausible? I'm pretty sure it was all the hatching--I did a dry incubation and very conservative humidity at lockdown.
Amelia Eleanora.. It took us forever to pick a middle name, but Amelia came about fairly quick.

I want my daughter to be strong, spirited, passionate.. but still be a lady. Amelia Earhart seemed only a natural rolemodel.

When we found out we were having a girl, her dad was like "What am I going to do with a girl?" and I told him, "The same as you do with a boy". I don't believe in coddling girls... nor do I believe in boys having to "man up". The boys have a play kitchen and a doll, as well as cars and blocks. Their dad is luckily a very balanced man. He voluntarily watches sappy movies (and will sniffle at them!), but loves explosions, guns, cars and powertools just like any other guy.
I am very fortunate to have him

I was sadly too quick to decide about the "unassisted hatch".

The maternity clinic called and I will be having my baby Monday, if she does not come out on her own. I am sort of freaking out.. I will have to go in Sunday evening and get things going slowly and stay overnight, to be induced Monday morning. The clinic nurse said she wouldn't have asked me to do this if it was simply the size of the baby, but she's really concerned about the amount of fluid left for the baby. The technician had not mentioned lack of fluid.. so yeah. I can honestly say this maternity clinic has been nothing but honest and respectful and I do believe they wouldn't suggest induction, unless needed.

Atleast they're applying something to get things started slowly, rather than last time where they went straight to the pitocin shot.

Hate to keep hijacking your thread, Bee. I am enjoying reading all y'alls posts! I've been just freaking out a bit since that call... it does feel good to have so many likeminded ladies behind me.
Another reason to be thankful for technology, making sure your baby is delivered safely. You are a strong woman and will ace this "assisted hatch". I had to have two c-sections because at 5' 2" and small, I just couldn't get my 10 pound son or 11 pound daughter out the good old fashioned way (each with a head in the 90 percentile, yikes). God's will for whatever reason and I thank him for my two healthy children. Good luck and will keep you in my prayers.
I use baby shampoo on adult birds that need a bath. As long as you're really careful and don't get water in their nostrils it should be ok. Also, is the yolk sac fully enclosed? I wouldn't want to bathe them with that hanging out.

Afterthought: maybe put some shampoo in a small container and then add water to that container so your shampoo is thin and then use that baby toothbrush or brush to clean the chick off. Just a bit of shampoo should rinse out easier than straight shampoo.
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