Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Third one out, another black chick and yelling its lungs out!
The other two are the smallest in the brooder and are hangin' tough, running around with the big dogs and snuggling with ducks and they are ALL snuggling with an injured meaty chick that is the size of a bantam hen. When he eats, they all eat or climb on his's hilarious!

Three more pips and movement and rocking in the other two.

It's been since the 70s when I had ducks last...maybe you all can help me out a little. They don't seem to want to eat out of the feeder but to dibble around in the bedding for pieces that have been flung out. They seem to have some in their crops if not bulging but they just do not want to eat the feed...and it's wet feed so they should be all about the wet feed, being ducks. I can't remember back to the 70s and how the ducklings handled ground feeds. Any insight would be helpful!
Is this the norm for ducklings or do they usually eat the feed like chicks, out of the feeder?

****Just built a much bigger feed trough and it's good looking if I do say so myself!
Toot. Toot. I love this style of easy to build and so workable. Takes about 10 min. and some scrap lumber and screws to get into a new feed trough. ****
Third one out, another black chick and yelling its lungs out!
The other two are the smallest in the brooder and are hangin' tough, running around with the big dogs and snuggling with ducks and they are ALL snuggling with an injured meaty chick that is the size of a bantam hen. When he eats, they all eat or climb on his's hilarious!

Three more pips and movement and rocking in the other two.

It's been since the 70s when I had ducks last...maybe you all can help me out a little. They don't seem to want to eat out of the feeder but to dibble around in the bedding for pieces that have been flung out. They seem to have some in their crops if not bulging but they just do not want to eat the feed...and it's wet feed so they should be all about the wet feed, being ducks. I can't remember back to the 70s and how the ducklings handled ground feeds. Any insight would be helpful!
Is this the norm for ducklings or do they usually eat the feed like chicks, out of the feeder?

****Just built a much bigger feed trough and it's good looking if I do say so myself!
Toot. Toot. I love this style of easy to build and so workable. Takes about 10 min. and some scrap lumber and screws to get into a new feed trough. ****
Great news! I've never had ducks just wanted to say yea about all the great news!
Third one out, another black chick and yelling its lungs out!
The other two are the smallest in the brooder and are hangin' tough, running around with the big dogs and snuggling with ducks and they are ALL snuggling with an injured meaty chick that is the size of a bantam hen. When he eats, they all eat or climb on his's hilarious!

Three more pips and movement and rocking in the other two.

It's been since the 70s when I had ducks last...maybe you all can help me out a little. They don't seem to want to eat out of the feeder but to dibble around in the bedding for pieces that have been flung out. They seem to have some in their crops if not bulging but they just do not want to eat the feed...and it's wet feed so they should be all about the wet feed, being ducks. I can't remember back to the 70s and how the ducklings handled ground feeds. Any insight would be helpful!
Is this the norm for ducklings or do they usually eat the feed like chicks, out of the feeder?

****Just built a much bigger feed trough and it's good looking if I do say so myself!
Toot. Toot. I love this style of easy to build and so workable. Takes about 10 min. and some scrap lumber and screws to get into a new feed trough. ****

It's been back to the 70's for me too, when I had some baby ducks. But it seems like they are just a mess...spill the off the ground and crap everywhere.

I'm eggcited about the arrival of #3 and more to come!!! Patiently waiting
Thank You for the update!
Can I use a mild soap or baby shampoo carefully on them? --my plain water bath did not change their appearance much.

They use Dawn on birds in oil spills... would imagine baby shampoo to be just as mild (Dawn cuts grease, I imagine. You don't need to cut through grease)

Third one out, another black chick and yelling its lungs out!
The other two are the smallest in the brooder and are hangin' tough, running around with the big dogs and snuggling with ducks and they are ALL snuggling with an injured meaty chick that is the size of a bantam hen. When he eats, they all eat or climb on his's hilarious!

Three more pips and movement and rocking in the other two.

It's been since the 70s when I had ducks last...maybe you all can help me out a little. They don't seem to want to eat out of the feeder but to dibble around in the bedding for pieces that have been flung out. They seem to have some in their crops if not bulging but they just do not want to eat the feed...and it's wet feed so they should be all about the wet feed, being ducks. I can't remember back to the 70s and how the ducklings handled ground feeds. Any insight would be helpful!
Is this the norm for ducklings or do they usually eat the feed like chicks, out of the feeder?

****Just built a much bigger feed trough and it's good looking if I do say so myself!
Toot. Toot. I love this style of easy to build and so workable. Takes about 10 min. and some scrap lumber and screws to get into a new feed trough. ****


Many babies for Bee!
Quote: Yes, sounds like it to me too. They are sleeping now so I will let them rest and try washing them again. They were not shrink wrapped as they got out of shells fine, I think they got wet, sticky and membrane just kinda melded on them--does that sound plausible? I'm pretty sure it was all the hatching--I did a dry incubation and very conservative humidity at lockdown.
Can I use a mild soap or baby shampoo carefully on them? --my plain water bath did not change their appearance much.

I have had this happen a few times, I think it happens when the humidity gets to high, during the hatching of the other chicks. When I had it, I would just put them in warm water, let them soak while holding them so they would not drown, then when the "stuff" got soft, I used a soft wet and warm cloth to gently wipe them down. Then would warm them up to see what was left and do it again. On one poor chick it took 4 times to get it all off. Good luck

Third one out, another black chick and yelling its lungs out!
The other two are the smallest in the brooder and are hangin' tough, running around with the big dogs and snuggling with ducks and they are ALL snuggling with an injured meaty chick that is the size of a bantam hen. When he eats, they all eat or climb on his's hilarious!

Three more pips and movement and rocking in the other two.

This makes my heart HAPPY!!!!
Thanks all for your advice. They are both sleeping soundly and since I dont believe this is life threatening I'm going to leave them be. Tonight before bed I will give them a shot or two of sav a chick and a drop of nutri drench and repeat in morning. After their morning nap I'll work on them. A water bath did nothing. I am hoping good rest and the supplements wll help them with the stress from the bath. Ill only use baby shampoo after a good soak

Is it membrane stuck on them? I have three more pips in the bator. I got humidity down but hope they dont hatch like these. It's pitiful
Amelia Eleanora.. It took us forever to pick a middle name, but Amelia came about fairly quick.

I want my daughter to be strong, spirited, passionate.. but still be a lady. Amelia Earhart seemed only a natural rolemodel.

When we found out we were having a girl, her dad was like "What am I going to do with a girl?" and I told him, "The same as you do with a boy". I don't believe in coddling girls... nor do I believe in boys having to "man up". The boys have a play kitchen and a doll, as well as cars and blocks. Their dad is luckily a very balanced man. He voluntarily watches sappy movies (and will sniffle at them!), but loves explosions, guns, cars and powertools just like any other guy.
I am very fortunate to have him

I was sadly too quick to decide about the "unassisted hatch".

The maternity clinic called and I will be having my baby Monday, if she does not come out on her own. I am sort of freaking out.. I will have to go in Sunday evening and get things going slowly and stay overnight, to be induced Monday morning. The clinic nurse said she wouldn't have asked me to do this if it was simply the size of the baby, but she's really concerned about the amount of fluid left for the baby. The technician had not mentioned lack of fluid.. so yeah. I can honestly say this maternity clinic has been nothing but honest and respectful and I do believe they wouldn't suggest induction, unless needed.

Atleast they're applying something to get things started slowly, rather than last time where they went straight to the pitocin shot.

Hate to keep hijacking your thread, Bee. I am enjoying reading all y'alls posts! I've been just freaking out a bit since that call... it does feel good to have so many likeminded ladies behind me.
I love the name, Amelia Eleanora. What will you call her? I raised my daughter to be a girl and a tomboy. She had the best of both worlds, like me!

I had friends who would eat chocolate and then hit the bumpiest curviest roads imaginable. They delivered the same day. I am sure everybody has a 'story'.

Lisa :)

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