Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

That third chick with a bulging belly full of yolk and thick neck is my only WR mix yet to match and, my, can't you tell it from the other black chicks....its feather quality already stands out, as well as it's width of back and large head. It's fuzz is just like a Rex rabbit...pure, thick luxury and a deep black. That's going to be one handsome bird.
Sweety, you know that no one hijacks one of my threads!
I don't even like that word....I call it "conversation" and without the diversity of it, the threads would all be a boring as watching paint peel.

Everyone has had problems this year with fertility, egg viability and fecundity due to the extreme cold we had in late winter/early spring and so I think I was experiencing the same thing....I had gathered eggs from that time period when all the embryos were dying from the cold weather before we could even get them into the house from the nests and, also, the roosters were just not able to fertilize for the same reason.

I think egg viability was a huge part of it and also the learning curve~definitely the case in the first few nests. The third nest I was confused as to humidity, especially near the end. This nest had more viable eggs, the temps were maintained carefully, humidity was added at the beginning of the set and then no more...broodies don't add humidity and each chick humidifies the next, and so on. I made the soil deeper, then layered leaves and then deep litter or composting materials in the base of the nest and this might have had bearing on maintaining temps as well. More mass makes for a steadier, more radiant heat at the center of the nest.

Pete had me turning X 3 a day instead of 2 or 4 times due to better fluid wash over the surface of the egg with the odd number of turnings, so that helped, I'm sure. Actually, Pete's advice about the humidity was utilized in this nest as well, and also a hand's off policy during hatching, so he really added some good solutions to this nest. Kudos go out to my good friend, Pete!

I experienced a huge loss of 8 active chicks on the 18th day and I have no idea how or why....unless I had sustained temp spikes in the night or something, I can't imagine what could have happened. I don't think I had a spike because the temps have been very stable and manageable in this nest.

What you gonna do with all those chicks, Miss Rosemarie?

I've always wanted to foster also and I think that is possibly one of the most compassionate things a person can do in this world rescue a child. Everyone talks about rescue dogs but hardly anyone realizes how many kids need a good, stable foster much better it would be if all those kind, compassionate people out there rescuing dogs could rescue children as well. It could literally save a life.
gonna sell em Bee so I can make some pens.
hope we can see some chick pics, tomorrow Bee

so the
was rite, to tell u to hang in there lol

my fatties(190g) r 3 wks old Fri

cheers Pete
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hope we can see some chick pics, tomorrow Bee

so the
was rite, to tell u to hang in there lol

my fatties(190g) r 3 wks old Fri

cheers Pete

Sure will...was kind of waiting until they all hatched. They all look almost identical, so one pic of single chicks looks much like another out of this crowd, I sure hope this new WR cockerel has even half he success of putting down his bloodlines on a chick as this Cochin has done!

Will take a pic of the big brooder filled with a grab bag of birds. Then you all will start to see the comedy in this whole situation....I'm still left scratching my head and wondering just how I got here.

Pete, did you happen to notice any extra growth rate pattern when you started the FF as opposed to before? I've been wondering about the heavier, larger yolks in the FF produced eggs and how that affects or doesn't affect the health and quality of the chick, as well as the growth rate as it feeds off that superlative yolk for the first days of its life.
Pete, did you happen to notice any extra growth rate pattern when you started the FF as opposed to before? I've been wondering about the heavier, larger yolks in the FF produced eggs and how that affects or doesn't affect the health and quality of the chick, as well as the growth rate as it feeds off that superlative yolk for the first days of its life.
wish i had taken more notes on previous hatch's ,but visually this last batch appeared slightly bigger than pre FF- now at 3wks weighting 190 grams from a 45g start, they look like quail (bulging) wings & back 3/4 feathered out

Since I've never hatched chicks I cannot say or tell of differences but these chicks seem uncommonly vigorous and square on the ground...but then, many chicks are, even from the hatchery, so can't say that is anything to do with the FF.

New chick on the ground...another black one from a WR hen. Another is zipping and it looks to be my only blonde chick....I think that one is from a Delaware egg. Two more eggs left and I think they are both BA eggs...I can hear peeping from one and pecking from another. Should see something from them tomorrow.

This has been a long saga and I'm most grateful to the Lord to see it come to fruition. I'm overwhelmed with it worked!!! Healthy chicks born in a quasi-timely manner and they pipped, zipped and hatched normally. I'm most pleased and very tired....haven't slept much these last few nights as these babies were/are entering the world. This is miracle territory and I've seen it in real life for the very first time...can you believe it?
Sure will...was kind of waiting until they all hatched. They all look almost identical, so one pic of single chicks looks much like another out of this crowd, I sure hope this new WR cockerel has even half he success of putting down his bloodlines on a chick as this Cochin has done!

Will take a pic of the big brooder filled with a grab bag of birds. Then you all will start to see the comedy in this whole situation....I'm still left scratching my head and wondering just how I got here.

Pete, did you happen to notice any extra growth rate pattern when you started the FF as opposed to before? I've been wondering about the heavier, larger yolks in the FF produced eggs and how that affects or doesn't affect the health and quality of the chick, as well as the growth rate as it feeds off that superlative yolk for the first days of its life.
Yep I can't wait for pix either. I need to get some of my chicks to since they have grown so much. I saw a HUGE difference in these than the ones I raised last spring. These parents being fed the FF and all. These seemed more alert at a much younger age and just was more calm acting. They took to the ff right off and have been eating it ever since. I am probably going to put them out in the big pen tomorrow with the big chickens but in a separate pen so they can get used to one another. I need to get some netting up around it to keep out any snakes though. It's already around one wall but need to put it around the other 3. I think I am going to have a few roos outta this batch as well but those WILL go in MY POT this year and not someone elses. ;-)

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