Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Yes, I will contact him. I did not want to name names and sound accusatory, wish I had not mentioned him by name, I adore his Columbian Rocks and was just sick to have this happen. I, too, would want to know if they were mine. He's a great guy, and a respected breeder. I suppose it could have been from faulty incubation but I don't think so, Ive hatched 100s of chicks without incident. I have 6 Brinsea's that are spot on. Do you think it could have been humidity, temps were 99.5 for the entire hatch (except for the hourly daily cooldown)? You know, I think diagnosing what went wrong is usually a futile exercise. The hair on the dead ones though really bug me, I've never seen anything like it before. They were like straight, longish terrier dog type fuzz.

Lacy, thanks so very much.

I don't think Scott will think you're accusing him... especially if you ask him to help you try and figure out what happened.

Did you let them cool for an hour every day? I think for a cool down you only need to do it for like 10 minutes or so.

You mentioned the chicks had hair-like down... take a look at this. This is normal for my birds. They look hairy to me too.


When they dry though, they're fluffy.

Did these chicks hatch when they were due? Did only these two of that set of eggs make it to hatching? Did others hatch?

This book says that if the chicks are sticky and smeared with yolk that the hatching temperature could be too low.

If you had it set at 99.5 and you cooled it for an hour every day, that could do it.
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The last Hootie is still in the egg but a claw is hanging out....she seems too weak to make it out of the shell and it's really hard to not help as she's been at it for two days now. I'm ready for this hatch to be done and the experiment over so I can clean up, take the pics, write up the conclusion of this extremely non-scientific process.

When last I checked last evening, all the Hooties are thriving and blending in well with their brooder mates. Can't hardly keep my hands off those ducks!! They are so incredibly beautiful, their feather quality is like touching a mink and they are as light as down. They are twice the size of the chicks but seem to weigh less. I'll get good pics of them today so you can see their cute little selves.
One of the ducklings got crushed by the meat chick last night....found it back in the corner underneath the meaty, neck twisted and dead. The TSC has no more, so I've got a single duck, which I hate and I should have bought more than just two. Now I have a decision to make....kill the meat chick and get this over with before he crushes anymore birds.

I really wish I had been smarter about that whole situation because those ducks were just...lovely.
One of the ducklings got crushed by the meat chick last night....found it back in the corner underneath the meaty, neck twisted and dead. The TSC has no more, so I've got a single duck, which I hate and I should have bought more than just two. Now I have a decision to make....kill the meat chick and get this over with before he crushes anymore birds.

I really wish I had been smarter about that whole situation because those ducks were just...lovely.

Have you checked CL for more Duckings?? Here in Oregon through facebook we have Oregon homesteaders, anything like that in your area??

Sorry about your baby, those meat chicks are so big ( I have 10 that are four weeks) Hope you can find another ducking!!
Have you checked CL for more Duckings?? Here in Oregon through facebook we have Oregon homesteaders, anything like that in your area??

Sorry about your baby, those meat chicks are so big ( I have 10 that are four weeks) Hope you can find another ducking!!

The CL around here never has any poultry at all. We are going to thin our layer flock of all non-essential birds(sell the Fat Cochin, the two BAs and one cranky Del, and the 7 meat chicks will be processed in June along with my old WR mama hen) and order 6 sexed KC ducklings from a hatchery. The new RIR chicks and the Hootie Hatch will be sexed as soon as it is apparent and the extras processed as soon as they are big enough. I will be trying to hatch out some WRs in May, so I will need all the space I can get in the coop.

We've decided to start moving towards having only WR chickens and the KC ducks. I'm sold on the ducks....I've wanted KCs for a long, long time and now that I've seen them and done more research, I think I'd like to have a small flock of layers.

The last of the hatch arrived just now...he's weak from such a long struggle to get out of the shell, but he's a nice sized chick and everything looks healthy. Experiment is DONE!!!!!

Praise the Lord!
The CL around here never has any poultry at all. We are going to thin our layer flock of all non-essential birds(sell the Fat Cochin, the two BAs and one cranky Del, and the 7 meat chicks will be processed in June along with my old WR mama hen) and order 6 sexed KC ducklings from a hatchery. The new RIR chicks and the Hootie Hatch will be sexed as soon as it is apparent and the extras processed as soon as they are big enough. I will be trying to hatch out some WRs in May, so I will need all the space I can get in the coop.

We've decided to start moving towards having only WR chickens and the KC ducks. I'm sold on the ducks....I've wanted KCs for a long, long time and now that I've seen them and done more research, I think I'd like to have a small flock of layers.

The last of the hatch arrived just now...he's weak from such a long struggle to get out of the shell, but he's a nice sized chick and everything looks healthy. Experiment is DONE!!!!!

Praise the Lord!

Oh thank goodness!!!!!! I had to stop myself from wanting you to help the little one....So glad they are all out!! Eagerly awaiting photo's!! I'm getting anxious... Lockdown starts Wednesday for the incubator with the Geese, Turkey and Chickens...Candled last night and all that have made it to this point look good...

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