Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Put the last chick in the brooder but I know he won't last the night. His feet are curled and he cannot stand...too long in that egg. He cheeps continually and will not rest. When I placed him in the brooder all the other chicks ran over and stood on him, walked on him and the RIRs even picked at him a little. I guess that is how a chick flock shows aggression. Even the duckling ran over and stood and walked on him.

I placed him under the brooder heating pad frame but he keeps worming his way out, they run over and step on him, I put him back, he comes out, they get the picture.

I guess this is what they are talking about when they say they don't allow 23 day incubation because it usually results in trouble...I'll keep that in mind for the next time.

No, I'm not going to keep him inside and separate them...this is his natural life and he is not in any pain. He acts the same when he is alone as he does out in the brooder, so he might as well be with his own kind while he goes through his short life.

Took video of the chicks in the brooder....I'll see if it's any good and if not, I'll take another so you can see them all together and running to and fro.
Put the last chick in the brooder but I know he won't last the night. His feet are curled and he cannot stand...too long in that egg. He cheeps continually and will not rest. When I placed him in the brooder all the other chicks ran over and stood on him, walked on him and the RIRs even picked at him a little. I guess that is how a chick flock shows aggression. Even the duckling ran over and stood and walked on him.

I placed him under the brooder heating pad frame but he keeps worming his way out, they run over and step on him, I put him back, he comes out, they get the picture.

I guess this is what they are talking about when they say they don't allow 23 day incubation because it usually results in trouble...I'll keep that in mind for the next time.

No, I'm not going to keep him inside and separate them...this is his natural life and he is not in any pain. He acts the same when he is alone as he does out in the brooder, so he might as well be with his own kind while he goes through his short life.

Took video of the chicks in the brooder....I'll see if it's any good and if not, I'll take another so you can see them all together and running to and fro.
Sorry Bee about the lil chick. I think you are dead on about late hatchers having problems. If I get a cheeper that doesn't rest--I know it's a gonner. I usually have hubby cull them.

I did my first cull today, actually 2. Hubby is getting tired of always doing the dirty work so I stepped up to the plate. It was over in less than 1 second. So, I lost 4 of this last hatch but I'm ok with it all. I have to cut back too--I have way too many breeds. The Rocks are my favorite and will concentrate on them.
It's a hard thing to kill a young animal.
Wow Bee! Congrats! Been a long read and I forgot half of it but if didn't overlook something all but one hatched healthy and only two (accident loss and last hatcher) made it right?

Now how is everyone? This was so cool.;)
My cream legbars started hatching yesterday. Out of 6 eggs 4 of them made it to lock down. One was out yesterday morning. One out this morning. One nearly out this evening. One peeping but no pip. I don't think this one will make it.

So I have one pullet and one cockerel. Hoping the third one is another pullet. :)
Wow Bee! Congrats! Been a long read and I forgot half of it but if didn't overlook something all but one hatched healthy and only two (accident loss and last hatcher) made it right?

Now how is everyone? This was so cool.

All 8 hatched out in this nest but the last one took an extra day and it looks like he is too weak and his feet too curled and weak to make it. If you go by the noise he makes, the thing has some very strong lungs! He's been peeping his head off continually since hatching and hasn't taken a rest yet. The rest of the tiny flock up there do not like him and are making a point of stepping on him...sort of like when a flock all pick on one bird because it's sick or a loner. They know something is wrong, even at that young age. He'll be dead by morning but since he doesn't appear to be in any pain, I'm not culling him at this time. He'll just sleep away. Right now he is worming his way all over that brooder, so he can crawl or worm along just fine. He's a tough one...he could surprise me but I doubt it.
Oh it is still alive. I thought Knowing you always say cull you would have by now. But I totally understand giving it time and wishing beyond hope. BUT like you know God CAN make things perfect if HE wills to. Just to show us HE is better than we at these things. And sometimes we just have to accept His design for these things too.

But am soooo glad for you. Always is fun to try and emulate natural things and have them work. So proud of you.

Oh Fred incubated/hatched out mine for me and I have 4 Reds feathering out at his place!!!!! This will be my first Chicks. The pure Nelson eggs did not make it though...but were only Nellies first two lain eggs. One quit and one wasn't fertile. Fred autopsied them for me. The eggs were so tiny anyway. It was a long shot. But will hatch some later from her as they are getting bigger.

Again congrats! And may I request some still shots uploaded? I can not do videos on my connection and I would love to see too :(

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