Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Oh it is still alive. I thought Knowing you always say cull you would have by now. But I totally understand giving it time and wishing beyond hope. BUT like you know God CAN make things perfect if HE wills to. Just to show us HE is better than we at these things. And sometimes we just have to accept His design for these things too.

But am soooo glad for you. Always is fun to try and emulate natural things and have them work. So proud of you.

Oh Fred incubated/hatched out mine for me and I have 4 Reds feathering out at his place!!!!! This will be my first Chicks. The pure Nelson eggs did not make it though...but were only Nellies first two lain eggs. One quit and one wasn't fertile. Fred autopsied them for me. The eggs were so tiny anyway. It was a long shot. But will hatch some later from her as they are getting bigger.

Again congrats! And may I request some still shots uploaded? I can not do videos on my connection and I would love to see too

Sure will! Those will have to wait until tomorrow, though, because they are all in bed now. I'm thrilled to see they didn't have to be trained to the heating pad brooder heater after using the heat lamp these last few days. I just checked on them and they were all disappeared from the brooder...and snugged safely under the brooder heater!

All, except one, that is....the last Hootie. He was shivering next to the feeder, so I put him in the warmth of the brooder and we'll see how he fares in the night.

That Fred is a wonderful guy, isn't he? He's a dream catcher.
He just arranged that I have a cockerel, out of one of the best lines there are for WRs, sent to me through the mail!
Here's a few pics of the first chick out of the shell in this last nest, Nest 4. I only took pics of this one because the rest of them looked just like him until the two little blondie chicks hatched. I'll try to get some really good stills of the group tomorrow, as well as a few of the blond chicks. I'm currently uploading a few of the vids on this hatch to YT but it will take awhile...should be able to get those up later on tonight or tomorrow evening.

Here's a few pics of the first chick out of the shell in this last nest, Nest 4. I only took pics of this one because the rest of them looked just like him until the two little blondie chicks hatched. I'll try to get some really good stills of the group tomorrow, as well as a few of the blond chicks. I'm currently uploading a few of the vids on this hatch to YT but it will take awhile...should be able to get those up later on tonight or tomorrow evening.

What a cutie pie. Looks like a Maran's chick--I know its not but it looks similar. Hello lil Hootie!
What a cutie pie. Looks like a Maran's chick--I know its not but it looks similar. Hello lil Hootie!
I was going to say the same thing. Looks like my little chick that I gave an egg patch to. I haven't gotten a name for him yet and he isn't actually a Hootie. I did like the name Caboose though that somebody mentioned. He definitely was a caboose! Two full days after everybody else.

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