Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Wow found this thread yesterday and took til now to read most of it. Wow 4 batches later you got some success. Best of luck to you and nice to learn a bit more about the community here as I read along. Im a mother of7, I was the lucky one I my family. I have kids from 34 to 14. A gragranddaughter and grandson from my first, two autistic, 1 with hearing issues grandsons from the second. My oldest son 23, was killed in a horrible car accident 6 months ago, leaving me 1 other son. 3 remaining daughters of one has had learning issues all her life now is needing hearing aids. My youngest a type 1 diabetic since she was 1 and half.
I was always taught god gives you only what he knows you can handle so I try to remember his love with every test. Hardest is being here alone in my husbands country while he is finishing our business in the usa. He has disabilities from a old car accident and after my sons death suffered a heart attack. So until I can find a one level home on land here he cant come, add to that airplanes that wont fly here and long layovers in other countries making it harder. Prayers to tomtom on her baby and to all of you. One thing I learned long ago was no matter how bad you think your life is there is someone who can "top that", so prayers to everyone in our lives. Animals help my daughter deal with her disabilities so we hope to use animals to help kids here deal with PTSD after the war. Also to educate on proper care. We have our dreams. Best of luck Bee on your journey. I got an old washer and water heater im looking at in my livingroom as possible incubators. Better than the trash heap.
Oh I forgot I found a link to that Cobb chart and have a question. Since I feel that many locals provide eggs here to the markets ive been looking at my eggs each morning to see fertility spots. Looking for the darkest eggs I can buy, as well. I had a few past week that were runny in the egg when it cracked open one smelled and I didn't do the wise cook trick and lost a cake mix I was working on. But is it bad? I know the smelly one, but I had one yesterday was also scrambled in the egg like that I tossed. I know we can get fertile eggs here unless my mil mixed up and put her hens eggs in with store bought eggs I had four eggs from her our first time here with various stages of babies inside. Here is the link to the site neat tidbit Cobb surname is related to me.
Also wish I could see video but internet here too slow and costly for watching videos. But I love photos.
Never know for sure it was 7 yrs ago and they only had a few chickens of which my youngest and a cousin decided needed baths and killed at least two of their laying hens. My daughter was 5 and never seen one except on the dinner table. Today we will hit 100 and no one here refriderates their eggs. They are kept in a cupboard or under a cabinet in a cool spot so with heat of the day im betting a few get partially inqubated around here. I usually buy 2 flats every week or so depending on my cooking needs. My fridge here is small in comparison to my one in the states and if we lose power like last year for up to 18 hours I need other things besides eggs, like insulin! So I keep gel cubes for emergencies. Last year I lost a months worth of veggies I had froze just before our month of fasting and since my only money is what hubby sends it was hard. Frozen food here can be dangerous since they dont monitor freshness or temps of many things here. Its eater beware, but much like our ancestors would have lived prior to electricity. I even loked into burying pots in the sand if needed. I want to build a root cellar once I get a place. Being here right after a war you see what you need to survive and prepare. Most here dont stock up. My fathers family was mormon so I learned early. I just need to get my own place first. Then I can build my reserves. Growing my own food supply is one way im planning our needs. Got designs for a greenhouse saved will price materials today.
I have a washer that the motor went out and its been sitting in my livingroom waiting to be hauled down 3 flights of stairs and I thought about using it to hatch a few eggs. First I cant guarantee if they are even fertile, or what breed they are all I know is they are lovely brown eggs. So I put up a light I made from parts and even with the lid open its 113 inside the tub. Way too hot from posts ive seen here. So suggestions anyone. This is really primative but if it works I can show other women and they can help create their own supply of chickens. A baby under 1 mo goes for around .75 cents. 1 mo to 3 months 2.50, older depends on who is selling them and if they are considered fancy or not. Ive seen a few that I want here but they are way over priced. Polish and cochins. And I want a maran if I can find one. So if I can get eggs they are best as I can control health of my stock since medications for chickens, well even vets laugh here. Ive a long way to go. I will try and post a pic if not seems like my photo album is where most end up.
Yes, He has!!!!
I pray that everyone feel the joy and reverence of that today!

***The last Hootie didn't make it through the night.****
I have a washer that the motor went out and its been sitting in my livingroom waiting to be hauled down 3 flights of stairs and I thought about using it to hatch a few eggs. First I cant guarantee if they are even fertile, or what breed they are all I know is they are lovely brown eggs. So I put up a light I made from parts and even with the lid open its 113 inside the tub. Way too hot from posts ive seen here. So suggestions anyone. This is really primative but if it works I can show other women and they can help create their own supply of chickens. A baby under 1 mo goes for around .75 cents. 1 mo to 3 months 2.50, older depends on who is selling them and if they are considered fancy or not. Ive seen a few that I want here but they are way over priced. Polish and cochins. And I want a maran if I can find one. So if I can get eggs they are best as I can control health of my stock since medications for chickens, well even vets laugh here. Ive a long way to go. I will try and post a pic if not seems like my photo album is where most end up.

You might try a lower wattage light bulb if you can find them... yep, way too hot.

And, its best to raise chickens without medications anyway. To post photos, if they will go to a photo album, is to copy them from the album and paste them into your post.
I will have to look for more bulbs I had a 60w put it in the lamp and it broke the second I plugged it in. I raised the lamp, opened the door and its hovering at 100 now. It was over 100 outside today and its almost 11pm now and its 90 so we have the cooler on. Will be more of an experiment than anything. My daughter said "how does it sound if I tell people my mom is trying to hatch eggs in a washer in our livingroom?" I told her if it works who cares. I spoke to a neighbor they said most babies here are eaten by rats, so people only buy full size hens. Well I could suggest solutions to that problem too! Tired so headed to bed. Nite all.

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