Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Come on Baby!!! Take care and try and get some rest!! look forward to being able to cyber meet your little one!!!

On a funny note and to lighten the mood... My DIL is 8 months along...doing nicely.. Her 3 year old son always wants to know exactly where the baby is in her tummy... thinks the baby is in her boobs too... funny to watch him... long story short, she is sick today so I sat on the same bench as my son to help him with the little munchkins.. Elijah came over with his blanket and wanted me to hold him, of course Nanny obliged!! He layed there for a bit while I rocked him and pretty soon he starts touching my tummy.. I think nothing of it as I am full into singing the Lords praise.. Pretty soon he whispers (rather loudly) "There is a lot of babies in your tummy Nanny"!!!!

Needless to say I am sure the Lord understood the chuckles
Love the comments that the little ones make! So cute!
Good luck, Tomtommom! Hope all goes well!

I'm officially DONE with messing with eggs, including my own. I swore this little thing had already pipped internally and externally, and was then dead because I couldn't see any movement at all, heard absolutely nothing. Since it had been 48 hours, I figured I'd open it up. The little thing didn't even break through the air sac! D: It was moving and very much alive. But now it's dead. It seems like mom broke the rest of the shell and the membrane. =/ I really suck at letting nature just take its course. I should have left everything alone. Ugh, I'm such a terrible mother D:
Good luck, Tomtommom! Hope all goes well!

I'm officially DONE with messing with eggs, including my own. I swore this little thing had already pipped internally and externally, and was then dead because I couldn't see any movement at all, heard absolutely nothing. Since it had been 48 hours, I figured I'd open it up. The little thing didn't even break through the air sac! D: It was moving and very much alive. But now it's dead. It seems like mom broke the rest of the shell and the membrane. =/ I really suck at letting nature just take its course. I should have left everything alone. Ugh, I'm such a terrible mother D:

Kind of makes your soul shake doesn't it?

Don't give up, just make a firm resolution not to do anything like that again. Take notes or whatever you need to do to keep yourself on track. If you're using a broody, let her and the eggs be until she gets off the nest.

I'm so sorry you had to experience that. It cured me of messing!
Bee II applied the ripening medicine earlier than planned, woohoo. Contractions were already picking up some. She thinks the doc stripped my membranes earlier (heck if I know, I am so clueless).

She was actually going to get me a sandwich and some juice, but after realizing the contractions were getting stronger, she decided against it. Drat! *laugh*

Gotta wait an hour (almost there!) and I will be able to get up for a minute. Stretch my legs, pee.... and then try and sleep a bit I think.

Rooting for ya!
Good luck, Tomtommom! Hope all goes well!

I'm officially DONE with messing with eggs, including my own. I swore this little thing had already pipped internally and externally, and was then dead because I couldn't see any movement at all, heard absolutely nothing. Since it had been 48 hours, I figured I'd open it up. The little thing didn't even break through the air sac! D: It was moving and very much alive. But now it's dead. It seems like mom broke the rest of the shell and the membrane. =/ I really suck at letting nature just take its course. I should have left everything alone. Ugh, I'm such a terrible mother D:

Kind of makes your soul shake doesn't it?

Don't give up, just make a firm resolution not to do anything like that again.  Take notes or whatever you need to do to keep yourself on track.  If you're using a broody, let her and the eggs be until she gets off the nest.

I'm so sorry you had to experience that.  It cured me of messing!

I'm definitely not bothering them anymore. So sad to see that little baby. The yolk hadn't been fully absorbed yet. The baby didn't look at all ready to come out... Oh man I feel so bad. >.< I wish I had never even looked at it.

On the other hand, it was pretty informative. I was able to identify certain parts. It was definitely a duckling, just need a couple more days to absorb the yolk, that's all. The temps haven't been the best arouns here, and it's been raining a lot, so I imagine this nest is gonna be slow. I should have considered all that beforehand and left everything alone. Lesson learned.
Good luck, Tomtommom! Hope all goes well!

I'm officially DONE with messing with eggs, including my own. I swore this little thing had already pipped internally and externally, and was then dead because I couldn't see any movement at all, heard absolutely nothing. Since it had been 48 hours, I figured I'd open it up. The little thing didn't even break through the air sac! D: It was moving and very much alive. But now it's dead. It seems like mom broke the rest of the shell and the membrane. =/ I really suck at letting nature just take its course. I should have left everything alone. Ugh, I'm such a terrible mother D:

Please don't feel bad.
It's just instinctive for us to want to help and you had waited like they tell you to. That chick wouldn't have made it anyway, so die in the shell or die out of the shell, it was going to die. My last little Hootie died last night and I just knew he would due to how weak he was. He couldn't even get out of the shell in a timely fashion, so that was the first indication. The next time I have one that goes 2 days past hatch I'm going to cull it then and there.

Anyone do this and how/what is the quickest and most humane way to cull that chick while it's still in the shell?

Come on Baby!!! Take care and try and get some rest!! look forward to being able to cyber meet your little one!!!

On a funny note and to lighten the mood... My DIL is 8 months along...doing nicely.. Her 3 year old son always wants to know exactly where the baby is in her tummy... thinks the baby is in her boobs too... funny to watch him... long story short, she is sick today so I sat on the same bench as my son to help him with the little munchkins.. Elijah came over with his blanket and wanted me to hold him, of course Nanny obliged!! He layed there for a bit while I rocked him and pretty soon he starts touching my tummy.. I think nothing of it as I am full into singing the Lords praise.. Pretty soon he whispers (rather loudly) "There is a lot of babies in your tummy Nanny"!!!!

Needless to say I am sure the Lord understood the chuckles

I have an Elijah too!
And yours sounds like mine.... I remember when he was about 4 yrs old and had come in and climbed in bed with me one morning to snuggle. He spoons up close and then exclaims, "Mom...your legs are hurting me!". I started shaving my legs every time I showered after that morning and it wasn't until just 3 years ago that I stopped that practice...kept silky smooth legs for 17 years. At first it was so I wouldn't "hurt" my boys when we snuggled but then it just became a habit I couldn't break.

ETA: Just read that and it looked like I haven't shaved my legs for 3 years but....I have....just enough that I don't hurt myself when I go to bed.

Bee II applied the ripening medicine earlier than planned, woohoo. Contractions were already picking up some. She thinks the doc stripped my membranes earlier (heck if I know, I am so clueless).

She was actually going to get me a sandwich and some juice, but after realizing the contractions were getting stronger, she decided against it. Drat! *laugh*

Gotta wait an hour (almost there!) and I will be able to get up for a minute. Stretch my legs, pee.... and then try and sleep a bit I think.

You are killin' me here!!
Bee II!!! I just think it's amazing that you are in labor..induced, no less...and are on BYC chatting!
What a woman!
C'mon, Amelia Eleanora!!! Hatch already!!!
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Hahaha, Bee. :)

Well, the thing is, it probably coulda made it. I'm hot beating myself up anymore, just beinf factual. There wasn't anything wrong with it. It just wasn't ready to come out yet. Eris still has ten little eggs under her, though! :)

Another hen went broody. I had all four girls sitting on nests, but one duck recently quit. It was one of the two sharing the nest that this little baby was in. She looks pretty skinny, but then again, she is the smallest out of the Welsh Harlequins. Only my Mallard is smaller, lol. I might go ahead and sell her, since she really doesn't fit what I want in my small breeding program. But I may go ahead and keep her for a while, since I can't really start my breeding program until I move. These ducks' only purpose is egg production and meat. And to look pretty. ;P
How to cull a chick still in the shell...

let's see...

drop it into a glass of ice water? Shiver!

throw it against the wall? Erg! What if it didn't hit just right...have to play squash with a chick!

take it out and leave it on the highway? Half a mile away...lonely road...slow death.

give it to Jake? He wouldn't eat it with a chick in it....the poor dog would carry that egg around for a week, sleep with it, try to put it back in the coop with the other chicks and generally worry himself to death over the chick.

or... put it in your microwave for about a minute? And have exploded chick all over the microwave????
sickbyc.gif person! Lacy doesn't get to take another turn until someone else tries. Sit down, Miss Lacy!
Let's put on our thinking caps, kids......

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