Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

I will post a pic of my house we live in in my album. Its actually four levels each level 1800 sq ft aprox. The main level has a kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms and two large sitting rooms one for men and one for women. Then the next two levels are the first apartmentsbuilt by the parents for their sons to start families. We have two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and 2 sitting areas one of which we made Ito a bedroom for the three girls. I have balconies on two sides. Above me is a rooftop whiwhich is walled about 5 ft up so people cant see onto it. There I keep our dog and two older chickens. The balconies have two cats on one, and a rabbit, 10 chicks and sometimes our other birds sunbathe there. Hard for rats to scale the walls but if you let palms grow too close to the houses they can climb up them and cause problems. We have owls and hawks and falcons but ss yet no trouble with. Wild dogs, feral cats and rats the size of cats are common killers of chickens here. Ive yet to see anyone with a proper pen for any animal. Years of neglect leaves people using scraps to build and ive tried to use our ideas of reuse, recycle here and photograph my efforts. Wood is costly so a room built on dirt with limestone bricks, mortar and a metal roof with scrounged wire is what I see mostly. But I work with that and show how items tossed away can be reused. There is no trash removal program here. Most is burned or tossed in holes or mounded then set afire. Everything goes in. Its a long road ahead and animals sre low on the list of needs when most now see agriculture and farming as old fashioned, outdated, conflict with progressive ideals. But being here now when its a small change to make is important. Im trying to reach out to all local farmers one at a time. Being female and foreign is a bit much lol for many. ButI uunderstand the culture and work in smaller steps.
In my album I posted two pics. One the famers market during winter flooding. There is no sewer system, trash system, few paved roads and even less parking. Its a madhouse twice a week. The second is my house now built in 1980 its 4 levels. The garage in the foreground was converted to make a home for a refugee family from syria. A smaller old home we have also houses another refugee family. My blog I have more images stuff you dont see on media. As I mentioned photo taking is still iffy here but people are friendly once they know you. I want to show the good being done here. Its bedtime here so good night all. BEE didnt hear much today from you hope all babies are well. And tomtomsmom hope you and soon to be daughter are as well. This week is 6 months since I lost my son and one year since my mother died. Long month...
I will post a pic of my house we live in in my album. Its actually four levels each level 1800 sq ft aprox. The main level has a kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms and two large sitting rooms one for men and one for women. Then the next two levels are the first apartmentsbuilt by the parents for their sons to start families. We have two bedrooms, one bath, kitchen and 2 sitting areas one of which we made Ito a bedroom for the three girls. I have balconies on two sides. Above me is a rooftop whiwhich is walled about 5 ft up so people cant see onto it. There I keep our dog and two older chickens. The balconies have two cats on one, and a rabbit, 10 chicks and sometimes our other birds sunbathe there. Hard for rats to scale the walls but if you let palms grow too close to the houses they can climb up them and cause problems. We have owls and hawks and falcons but ss yet no trouble with. Wild dogs, feral cats and rats the size of cats are common killers of chickens here. Ive yet to see anyone with a proper pen for any animal. Years of neglect leaves people using scraps to build and ive tried to use our ideas of reuse, recycle here and photograph my efforts. Wood is costly so a room built on dirt with limestone bricks, mortar and a metal roof with scrounged wire is what I see mostly. But I work with that and show how items tossed away can be reused. There is no trash removal program here. Most is burned or tossed in holes or mounded then set afire. Everything goes in. Its a long road ahead and animals sre low on the list of needs when most now see agriculture and farming as old fashioned, outdated, conflict with progressive ideals. But being here now when its a small change to make is important. Im trying to reach out to all local farmers one at a time. Being female and foreign is a bit much lol for many. ButI uunderstand the culture and work in smaller steps.
How did you happen to live in Libya OlMomma. You are fascinating--keep posting!
I met my husband of 27 yrs at a university in utah. We met again 4 yrs later and were married a few weeks later. He had left as a student but got stuck in political issues and for his and his families safety he didnt return. The war in Libya in 2011 was very difficult on us and we hoped that they woukd succeed and he could finally come home. We came in Sept of 2012 and he returned to sell our home and pack with one of our two sons. I, one son and three daughters stayed here to begin settling in. Lets just say it hasnt been all fluffy clouds and pretty ponies dealing with being away from family all these years. But we are determined to let God be our guide and he answered our prayers and keeps guiding us along. I was tired of life always having some rule or regulation stopping us from simple dreams. So here were time has stood still for generations well I found my dreams. Its like walking among the biblical lands and pioneer lives of my ancestors that I only read about. Now I get to live it. Setting back my clock to simpler times with the knowledge of this time. Media really makes it seem so different but life isnt that different than many small town lifes. Just about everyone in a few miles in each direction is related in some way so everyone knows you. Its not easy here but its home for us.
In my album I posted two pics. One the famers market during winter flooding. There is no sewer system, trash system, few paved roads and even less parking. Its a madhouse twice a week. The second is my house now built in 1980 its 4 levels. The garage in the foreground was converted to make a home for a refugee family from syria. A smaller old home we have also houses another refugee family. My blog I have more images stuff you dont see on media. As I mentioned photo taking is still iffy here but people are friendly once they know you. I want to show the good being done here. Its bedtime here so good night all. BEE didnt hear much today from you hope all babies are well. And tomtomsmom hope you and soon to be daughter are as well. This week is 6 months since I lost my son and one year since my mother died. Long month...

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