Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Bee, you can appreciate this... the meaties are smart enough to get out of the rain!

Wish I had more room to let them roam but the Amish kids next door would chase them with sticks if they find them and these birds couldn't get away.
I feel pretty darn good, honestly. Cramping isn't bad, managing with occasional Motrin. They can keep the Lortabs. The beauty of not using a lot of medication is that it actually works when you need it. The Demerol knocked me out.... I was SO loopy

I'm moving around, resting, taking care of the little one. I did decide to feed a bit of supplemental formula after each breast feeding, just so I'm not dealing with jaundice again. Why go through that hassle if you can prevent? She's not a great eater either way right now.. 1oz was the most she ate from the formula, 1/2 oz most feeds. She doesn't care for the pacifier.. not a huge fan of the nipple on the bottles.. I think we'll be fine in the "nipple confusion" department.

My dear, we've been quite concerned. So happy for you and family. I would say now you can relax but.............
Well see what a day brings, good tidings. Happy birthday Bee may you be blessed with many more and congrats to tomtomsmom and her new bundle. Dinnertime on my end of the world so will check back later.
Oh wow! What a special day! Tomtommom! Your little angel is gorgeous! I know you are worn out. That was some kind of labor/delivery! Bless both of you and your family!
Happy Birthday Bee!!

Tomtommom, congrats on your baby girl! She is beautiful! Oh my, what a delivery! I was really hoping you wouldn't need pitocin. I know how rough that stuff is! I was induced early with both of my boys, the first at 36 weeks--- and that was after putting our foot down with the doctor to wait that long! I was shoved into the preeclampsia category after having high BP readings twice and every time after. I could go on and on and tell you how and why I disagreed with the doctor, but I have a Bachelor's degree in art, not a MD.

Can't wait to see pics of the Hootie Hatch!!

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