Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

So.. Does the little lady share a Birthday with Bee? Or was she a day too early? My brain isn't functioning too well at this point in time!

Happy Birthday Bee! Another year older, another year wiser.. let's hope you have another great one ahead of you!
X3 congrats to TTMom---Amelia is adorable!! Love her name, too.

It does sound like she and Bee have the same b'day. How fun is that!!! Is Amelia's official b'day 4/22 then? Sorry, I wasn't looking at dates that closely on the posts. Bee, your b'day on 4/21 or 4/22???
First of all, y'all are crazy.. and I love you

This momma has been in for a RIDE. Oh.. my.. goodness.

They applied ripening medicine all through the night.. starting some mild contractions (mild, well... they hurt a little.. but nothing to what was to come). Pitocin at 5:30 am... and dear miss Amelia was still waaay up there. That girl was not dropping a bit!

Water didn't get broke until well after noon on Monday (contractions had gotten a bit more painful, but still bareble enough for me)

Well, then the real fun started. Oh... Ow... as I told my sweet husband, the best way to describe it was if you have to go to bathroom and you have one of those bowel movements that bring tears to our eyes.. Well, that, times ten, every contraction. Oh sweet Lord!

I was crying for mercy by 3, taking some Demerol.. nurse said "Oh, she'll be out by dinner time"

No ma'am... this baby was NOT dropping. By dinner time I was pushing, already exhausted from the hours of contractions and lack of food (last thing I ate was terrible hospital food around 5pm the day before.. and not much at it.) I was begging for relief.. I was SO drained, I felt I couldn't do it. I had to push this little girl THE whole way. I tried jumping off the bed at one point
I was hurting so bad, I just wanted to get away. I was pleading with the Dr for them to tell me my options.. He's like "there are none, you are going to get this baby out, you can do this!" I was screaming, begging, pleading toward the end. I would have taken a C section at that point, no lie. I had all the nurses and the Dr and my hubby telling me to push. Hold it, and push! It just felt I wasn't getting anywhere.

Well, 7:55 pm I finally managed to get her out by the grace of God. No tearing, thanks to an awesome Dr. I apologized to everyone for being stubborn and difficult and trying to get away, but I am very sure of myself and what I can do, and I was so faint... I had not an ounce of strength left in me.


Never again....

But, SHE'S GORGEOUS! Looks nothing like me

She has super long narrow fingers and feet... Much longer than my son's were. She's 8lb 10.6oz, 21inches

She is simply LOVELY!!! I'm so very proud of you!!!
An answer to prayer and praise God for it, she is a big, healthy, beautiful girl!
I still remember that pain...they say you forget, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Welcome to the world, sweet Amelia!

Bee, you can appreciate this... the meaties are smart enough to get out of the rain!

Wish I had more room to let them roam but the Amish kids next door would chase them with sticks if they find them and these birds couldn't get away.

How cute! I still just LOVE that wagon! You're kidding! They chase your chickens with sticks?
Whatever for???? I'd take a switch and light up their little Rumshpringas!

Happy Birthday Dear Bee!

OK....what little fart let out that piece of info?
Thank you!! This has been the best birthday I've ever had, bar none! God is so very good to me....

Thank you so much, dear Lisa!
Didn't steal that Tweety from TW's pants, did ya?
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I KNEW it was you!!!!!
A REAL friend would not have told........

I love you dearly, sister of mine! I thank God the day that He sent you to one of my threads!
There are a lot of people on here that love you dearly......sit back and enjoy SIS of mine! REAL friend......PROVEN!
Congratulations Tomtommom!! Amelia is beautiful!!

My daugher took forever to be born, too. The main problem is that she was face up though the whole delivery - she was born with a sloped forehead! She was 21 inches long but only weighed 5 lbs 8 oz, just like me when I was born. Sounds like she should have been quick to deliver, but in addition to being face up she had a 13-inch head. Once I finally got her head out the rest just slipped right out! And yeah, I still remember it all. I had back labor so bad that about 4 am I was a little out of it, and decided that I was going to be a paraplegic by the time she was born the back paid was so intense, but that it would be worth it! Needless to say, I could walk after....

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