Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

There are a lot of people on here that love you dearly......sit back and enjoy SIS of mine! REAL friend......PROVEN!
love.gif have proven that, indeed!
My bestie!
Can't wait to get to Heaven and enjoy all my extended family face to face. There are some wonderful family on this thread....I love them so!
Bee, unfortunately there are good and bad in any groups and around me we have the bad...they are renting and the landlord sided with they were put on notice but I won't risk one of my animal's well being...I don't trust them.

That's a shame! Just think how neat it would be if they were awesome neighbors and how much you could barter and learn from them.
Congratulations Tomtommom!! Amelia is beautiful!!

My daugher took forever to be born, too. The main problem is that she was face up though the whole delivery - she was born with a sloped forehead! She was 21 inches long but only weighed 5 lbs 8 oz, just like me when I was born. Sounds like she should have been quick to deliver, but in addition to being face up she had a 13-inch head. Once I finally got her head out the rest just slipped right out! And yeah, I still remember it all. I had back labor so bad that about 4 am I was a little out of it, and decided that I was going to be a paraplegic by the time she was born the back paid was so intense, but that it would be worth it! Needless to say, I could walk after....

Guess what they say when a baby is face up? They're sunny side up!!

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