Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Hm, 1 applies. I like "The green nest" or something. "Low tech hatching" it should be descriptive enough.. "Pantry hatching" since you use items found around the house.

On another note, this girl is amazing me. She is raising her head.. and a lot too! Found both hands and has been nibbling and sucking them. Bright cookie indeed.

She's ready to go, go, GO!
Hm, 1 applies. I like "The green nest" or something. "Low tech hatching" it should be descriptive enough.. "Pantry hatching" since you use items found around the house.

On another note, this girl is amazing me. She is raising her head.. and a lot too! Found both hands and has been nibbling and sucking them. Bright cookie indeed.

She's ready to go, go, GO!
She is so beautiful......and that is definitely not the motor strength and head control of a newborn. Amazing!

She does not look like a newborn either.
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Hm, 1 applies. I like "The green nest" or something. "Low tech hatching" it should be descriptive enough.. "Pantry hatching" since you use items found around the house.

On another note, this girl is amazing me. She is raising her head.. and a lot too! Found both hands and has been nibbling and sucking them. Bright cookie indeed.

She's ready to go, go, GO!
So dang adorable!
Your lucky, my last one was born, dressed and on a soccer field for her brothers tournament by 7 hours old. We kept her in her stroller but the cloudy sky she got suntanned! Except for my first two I never got more than a few hours after birth before I went home. Beautiful girl, enjoy.
Originally Posted by MistyMountain

I vote for #1, Simulated Natural Nest Incubation. I think that best describes this method and it may not get the attention it deserves otherwise. You could always combine a couple names-- Simulated Natural Nest Incubation: The Hootie Hatch.

I agree with this post!

And that little Amelia is such a cutie!! I think with those long fingers she is destined to play either the piano or the violin. I wanted my daughter to take music lessons but didn't want to invest in a piece of furniture, so she took violin. The great advantage was we took it everywhere, to Grandma's and on vacation, so she could practice. It was a very good experience for her. So I see a little musician in your future!!
Thank you so much, dear Lisa!
Didn't steal that Tweety from TW's pants, did ya?
Do you think TW has felt the draft yet???

Had to share this one, now that's she's unwrinkling a bit and getting those eyes open
She is absolutely adorable. How is the mom feeling?

Eventually I'll have to do a write up of this method and put it on the learning section but first I need to name this method....y'all like to vote on the name for the method?

1. Simulated Natural Nest Incubation

2. NN22~Natural Nest, 22 day incubation period

3. Nest22~same concept

4. The Green Method~my last name and a play on words for the use of recycled or repurposed and organic materials( i.e. soil, hay, leaves, cardboard box, heating pad, water wiggler, meat thermometer)

5. The Hootie Hatcher~in honor of the first chick hatched using this method. Kinda catchy and cute but doesn't describe the method much.

6. Faux Broody Bator

7. Nest Box Bator

Let me know which one you like!
Simulated Natural Nest Incubation: Hootie Hatcher

I'll be a grandma!! I'm good at that!
I've forgotten where I put my wand, so cannot be a Fairy Godmother....
Wand...I thought you had a broomstick?

Lisa :)

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