Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Do you think TW has felt the draft yet???

She is absolutely adorable. How is the mom feeling?

Simulated Natural Nest Incubation: Hootie Hatcher

Wand...I thought you had a broomstick?

Lisa :)

Like Lisa said 1 & 5
That's so nice!!  Thanks for the feedback!  You'll have to keep us apprised of the situation as it goes along and if the methods work for you long term and how often you have to reinforce the good behaviors.  That will help others understand that it can be done, by more than just

Still working as we all just walk into the chickens run and push the roosters aside, gently of course :) funnily enough i am right at this moment watching a documentary about the Amish and as the father and kids were going into the pen the father said "the children act like they are soldiers because the rooster can be angry sometimes" the kids were running around swinging the bucket and screaming, they were 2-6 years old and the rooster never bothered them.
Hm, 1 applies. I like "The green nest" or something. "Low tech hatching" it should be descriptive enough.. "Pantry hatching" since you use items found around the house.

On another note, this girl is amazing me. She is raising her head.. and a lot too! Found both hands and has been nibbling and sucking them. Bright cookie indeed.

She's ready to go, go, GO!

That is amazing!!!! I had to show this pic to my mom (she's had 9 kids and umpteen grandkids and greatgrands)and she was amazed at her neck strength too! She'll be turning and crawling early, I'm betting. She is lovely! Good head shape, good hair, good color, good sure do throw some great calves!
That's what one old farmer told me about my boys.....

Wand...I thought you had a broomstick?

Lisa :) earned this big whack with the BUDstick, which is NOT a broomstick, thank you kindly!

Still working as we all just walk into the chickens run and push the roosters aside, gently of course
funnily enough i am right at this moment watching a documentary about the Amish and as the father and kids were going into the pen the father said "the children act like they are soldiers because the rooster can be angry sometimes" the kids were running around swinging the bucket and screaming, they were 2-6 years old and the rooster never bothered them.

That's funny! But it's how we were taught to act around Grandma's rooster too...don't be afraid, shoo him out of the way, chase him if the comes near, etc. She had white leghorn roosters and they can be a little more jumpy than some breeds, though I've never had a problem with them being aggressive.
Your lucky, my last one was born, dressed and on a soccer field for her brothers tournament by 7 hours old. We kept her in her stroller but the cloudy sky she got suntanned! Except for my first two I never got more than a few hours after birth before I went home. Beautiful girl, enjoy.

She's got a bit of jaundice, but the pediatrician thinks she's right at the peak of it and it wont be a big deal. But, it's good weather here, gonna make sure she gets some sun tomorrow.. which will help.

I'll tell ya, I was ready to go yesterday. I was getting antsy!

Originally Posted by MistyMountain

I vote for #1, Simulated Natural Nest Incubation. I think that best describes this method and it may not get the attention it deserves otherwise. You could always combine a couple names-- Simulated Natural Nest Incubation: The Hootie Hatch.

I agree with this post!

And that little Amelia is such a cutie!! I think with those long fingers she is destined to play either the piano or the violin. I wanted my daughter to take music lessons but didn't want to invest in a piece of furniture, so she took violin. The great advantage was we took it everywhere, to Grandma's and on vacation, so she could practice. It was a very good experience for her. So I see a little musician in your future!!

Daddy played trombone in band for YEARS (and apparently could pick up any piece of brass and play it... they went to nationals and everything. He's got all the videos and pictures.

Do you think TW has felt the draft yet???

She is absolutely adorable. How is the mom feeling?

Simulated Natural Nest Incubation: Hootie Hatcher

Wand...I thought you had a broomstick?

Lisa :)

Mom is feeling incredibly well, all things considering. I am amazed myself. I even cooked dinner, washed dishes and folded laundry. We didn't get all the cleaning done before we went in on Sunday, so we had to clean up some more.. my two year old has been a handful, so dad hadn't had any time for anything. He's a little trooper though.. it's no fun to go back and forth to the hospital and he hates it when mommy yells, so mommy being in labor was upsetting to him.

That is amazing!!!! I had to show this pic to my mom (she's had 9 kids and umpteen grandkids and greatgrands)and she was amazed at her neck strength too! She'll be turning and crawling early, I'm betting. She is lovely! Good head shape, good hair, good color, good sure do throw some great calves!
That's what one old farmer told me about my boys.....

That's funny.

She amazes me constantly. She was looking around the room earlier tonight, gnawing on her hands... she looks and acts like she's much older than two days old.

Little Amelia certainly does meet the SOP!!!


Best. Line. Yet.

Thank ya lovely folks. It's nice to have so many likeminded people in one spot.
Vote: Hootie Hatcher.

Baby: She's adorable!! Mom told me that I was in a hurry to come out and came out butt first before the doc could get there. She ended up w/27 stitches.
While at home before I could walk, she had me sitting in in a "walker thingy" and stepped out of the room for just a moment. When she came back, she found me merrily swinging from the curtains having a jolly time.
So, keep an eye on those active ones!!

So pleased you're doing well, too. Is big brother happy that he has a brand new sister?
Eventually I'll have to do a write up of this method and put it on the learning section but first I need to name this method....y'all like to vote on the name for the method?

1. Simulated Natural Nest Incubation

2. NN22~Natural Nest, 22 day incubation period

3. Nest22~same concept

4. The Green Method~my last name and a play on words for the use of recycled or repurposed and organic materials( i.e. soil, hay, leaves, cardboard box, heating pad, water wiggler, meat thermometer)

5. The Hootie Hatcher~in honor of the first chick hatched using this method. Kinda catchy and cute but doesn't describe the method much.

6. Faux Broody Bator

7. Nest Box Bator

Let me know which one you like!

How about a hybrid:

Hootie Hatcher Green: Simulated Natural Nest Incubation

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