Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Got a few minutes b4 the young man comes to go look at a house, I guessthe biggest is living on arab time lol. Anyone who has ever lived in an arab country knows that time is of no importance here. Everything is based on a certain prayer time or day of week and the hardest is what is referred to as God's willing time. You can spend an hour saying goodbye or a quick hello. You can never say no to a cup of coffee, thats followed by snacks and depending on timing a meal being set before you of which regardless of how much you want to eat you will be given the lions share and followed by fruit and another round of drinks. Well thats my morning at least. My sil came and asked if I could take her to her parents house and stop by the market and bring back a few things for my inlaws. My bil new wife was downstairs and I had yet to meet her and she was with another woman ive met b4 but know both are somehow related to my hubby. Most everyone sround us is. So of course it was lunchtime and while we were waiting we talked about us living here. They were rolling with laughter over my pics of the various animals that are now housed on the upper levels of the house. They laughed and asked if I had a cow yet? I replied if I could get her to go upstairs I would! Im definitely looney. But as I look at it I have animals few predators can reach and a ready food supply right above my head. But I do pray that i find a house soon. Otherwise im going to have to start a website lol.
Pretty much think of shepards in the fields meets small town urban. There is so much we take for granted but much I know I can live without, its your mindset. As my language improves and my photography is more socially accepted I will document my life for my greatgrand children to know what it was like in my time. As a genealogist I loved reading stories of my ancestors and wishing I could step back in time. Well I guess I got my wish.
I love living a life that doesn't regard the's my favorite kind of life! I lived most of my life tied to a watch on my arm and every moment was dictated by that infernal piece of hardware. All I could think of was a job or a time in life where I didn't have to wear that watch!

I haven't worn a watch in 3 yrs's bliss! Visiting as long as you want, no particular time to be anywhere as long as you get there...well...that's what I hope that Heaven is like. Time is a hard taskmaster of which I am eager to be free.
He's starting to get over it.

Sorry I haven't been on much, jaundice struck
Stupid lactation consultant told me to stop supplementing with formula... I was breastfeeding, then giving like 10ml formula for good measure.. since my son had jaundice BAD and I wanted to prevent that. She said not to, said baby would be fine, blablabla. Well, day 4 she was getting a bit yellow, at 5 day checkup baby was yellow as can be.


Why do I listen to others, rather than my gut?
Oh boy, could I ever jump on about my lactation consultant experience! Hormones hit hard and I went all "Queen of the castle" and told everyone not to let that woman back in here. Everyone listened :). My first son had jaundice bad. He was 4 weeks early and after being home for a night we had to check back in to children's hospital for him to work on his tan under the bili lights. Anyhow, I found a better lac consultant at that hospital... Way more understanding. His suck reflex ws poor and my first time made for some major learning curves. It took us a month before he really got it and I didnt have to pump and follow with a bottle after feedings. My second son never left my side from the moment he was born, exclusively breast fed and didn't have any jaundice problems. Strange how they are all so different.

Hang in there, follow your instincts, and don't hesitate to ban anyone from your castle!!
He's starting to get over it.

Sorry I haven't been on much, jaundice struck
Stupid lactation consultant told me to stop supplementing with formula... I was breastfeeding, then giving like 10ml formula for good measure.. since my son had jaundice BAD and I wanted to prevent that. She said not to, said baby would be fine, blablabla. Well, day 4 she was getting a bit yellow, at 5 day checkup baby was yellow as can be.


Why do I listen to others, rather than my gut?

Went through that with two of the boys and just went through it with grandbaby...I hate dealing with jaundice in infants. The very first time I saw Aliza I knew she was jaundiced and mentioned it to my DIL, who was hasty to say she checked out fine and the pediatrician said she was fine. I said, "Okaaaaaayyyyyyy, if you think so....but both parents are milky white and your baby was born with an all over tan, you do the math. Unless there is something y'all need to tell us about the father.....". And, of course, they spent the next many days treating her for jaundice when the pediatrician finally noticed her lovely little tan...should have listened to grandma.

Next time you'll remember this and won't let anyone tell you any different.

My son.

My daughter.


I was SO annoyed.. I'm ok now, her levels are down to 15, from 20. We're aiming for 12, so I am thinking she's free from the thing by Monday.

My milk came in, so I have been pumping. She's a terrible breastfeeder, same as my son. Going to guess it's me, not them, since they have the EXACT same issue. We're on WIC and they have loaner pumps, so I am thinking if I can get my hands on a double electric, she can just have it in bottles.

All in all, I am a happier camper.
Yep...she's an Oompah Loompah baby. That was pretty darn high before they caught it! What were they thinking? Or...wrong question...why weren't they thinking? I'm so glad it's coming down now and hope you get her home soon.
Yep...she's an Oompah Loompah baby. That was pretty darn high before they caught it! What were they thinking? Or...wrong question...why weren't they thinking? I'm so glad it's coming down now and hope you get her home soon.

Her level was 10 when she was sent home, the pediatrician thought the level was at peak and it would be coming down from there. It would have, had she been receiving enough fluids.. that wasn't the case though. The next day she was getting yellow and sluggish, dry mouth and very few wet diapers and she just wanted to sleep.. we had a Dr apt the next morning anyway, and I knew what we were looking at, so I urged my husband to feed her as much formula as she would take, every 3 hours. So really, by the time we had that appointment, her levels probably already came down some.

She's not breastfeeding at all anymore (way to go lactation lady! Should've just let me do my thing
). Lucky for her, her momma doesn't give up easily and I'm pumping what I can. My milk came in big time, I actually pumped 4oz in one sitting this morning.. that's two feedings worth
Hoping WIC will let me get a double pump, this little manual thing is going to kill me.

In chicken hatching related stuff, I found this cool video and thought of you, Bee.

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