Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Me and my big mouth. Said I only had disease in my flock once.... Ofcourse I find a sick one today

It's one of my 9 week old WR cockerels. He was laying under the nestboxes this morning. He let me pick him up without a peep. I put him on my bench while finishing up my chores, he didn't budge. He looks scrawny (had not noticed this before... thinking he's really dehydrated) and he is incredibly foul smelling yellow watery diarrhea (It looks like a busted egg, but he's 9 weeks old and a cockerel). I highly doubt he'll make it.. I put him in a dog crate for now. He looks rough. Hope it's nothing contagious... *sigh* The others look fine. I cleaned out the coop, as that was in the planning anyway, because with all these juveniles they stink up the place

I got him in time and the rest wont get ill.

Sorry to hear that... hopefully some peace and quiet will give him some rest so he can fight it off...

check out 'Vent Gleet' and see if that is what you are seeing with him... may need some yogurt or ACV...
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Glad the new nest is shaping up so well....

so... whatcha fishing for and where???
. (so glad I'm not the only lady on her that likes to head out on fishing trips!!!)

Trout fishing with the family up in Tucker County on the Blackwater River!
We've been going fishing up there since I was a baby and just carried that tradition on down to my soon as they could hold a pole, they were trout fishing. Now my little new grandbaby will be on the fishing bank at the age of 2 mo., though she won't be holding a pole it will still be her first fishing trip.

I've got the secret to winning the contest this year....the Trout Magnet lures and method...gonna totally kick carcass on those boys of mine!!! Mom and I have been planning on using this secret weapon for some time and I only pray it lives up to the hype because I've written several checks my pole is gonna have to cash!
Been trash talkin' for the past few months now....

When I die I'm to be cremated, put in a zip loc bag, taken on a fishing trip to the Blackwater and cast there...then the boys are instructed to fish, laugh, and celebrate my life on one great fishing trip! They have to go to the falls, the trading post, the overlooks and all the other places we always went when we go there and they need to walk all those memories because they are really, really good memories. No stone to mark a grave, no grave to tend or sad field of stones......just the Blackwater and a pole every spring, feeling that tug of the first nibble on the bait, the first set of the hook and that joy of pulling that rainbow to the bank. That's my memorial!
Trout fishing with the family up in Tucker County on the Blackwater River!
We've been going fishing up there since I was a baby and just carried that tradition on down to my soon as they could hold a pole, they were trout fishing. Now my little new grandbaby will be on the fishing bank at the age of 2 mo., though she won't be holding a pole it will still be her first fishing trip.

I've got the secret to winning the contest this year....the Trout Magnet lures and method...gonna totally kick carcass on those boys of mine!!! Mom and I have been planning on using this secret weapon for some time and I only pray it lives up to the hype because I've written several checks my pole is gonna have to cash!
Been trash talkin' for the past few months now....

When I die I'm to be cremated, put in a zip loc bag, taken on a fishing trip to the Blackwater and cast there...then the boys are instructed to fish, laugh, and celebrate my life on one great fishing trip! They have to go to the falls, the trading post, the overlooks and all the other places we always went when we go there and they need to walk all those memories because they are really, really good memories. No stone to mark a grave, no grave to tend or sad field of stones......just the Blackwater and a pole every spring, feeling that tug of the first nibble on the bait, the first set of the hook and that joy of pulling that rainbow to the bank. That's my memorial!

Awesome!! The could be no better memorial than one which so truly reflects the person whom it is for!

For both my DH and I it is nearly the same, only it will be either the Chesapeake Bay (my family is from Southern Maryland) or Lake Erie (we camp and fish there all summer)
Off topic but you guys will help so here goes--I just hatched out 7/7 turkey poults shipped to me from Mass--(Aireles flock). 100%, and I live in WA State--amazing!!

All are thriving, 3 days old and eating, drinking with gusto--BUT, I noticed yesterday on has its eye closed. I don't think it was like that the first 2 days, but not positive--it eats and drinks. It is not swollen or inflammed, just closed--perhaps it is blind in one eye? What do y'all think? Thanks bunches!
Off topic but you guys will help so here goes--I just hatched out 7/7 turkey poults shipped to me from Mass--(Aireles flock). 100%, and I live in WA State--amazing!!

All are thriving, 3 days old and eating, drinking with gusto--BUT, I noticed yesterday on has its eye closed. I don't think it was like that the first 2 days, but not positive--it eats and drinks. It is not swollen or inflammed, just closed--perhaps it is blind in one eye? What do y'all think? Thanks bunches!

Congratulations! That is a wonderful hatch from mailed eggs and for turkey poults!
Could be it got some foreign body or an injury to its eye. I'd just watch it and see how it goes but I wouldn't mess with it in any way just yet. I had a chick like that once and was worried about it but within a couple of days it was open and fine. If it starts to show some crusting or drainage, then I'd pick it up and examine the eye, cleanse it with baby oil and see what you can see there.
Sorry to hear that... hopefully some peace and quiet will give him some rest so he can fight it off...

check out 'Vent Gleet' and see if that is what you are seeing with him... may need some yogurt or ACV...

It's not gleet. Leaning more toward the serious stuff.. I probably should send him from necropsy.. Blegh. It rained really hard a few days ago and I think he got himself really wet (and likely drank some nasty puddle water).

His poo is EXTREMELY runny, as in, yellow water. It looks and smells like rotten egg, but well, it's not. He's not eating or drinking (I cooked a yolk for him, added some probiotic powder). He's probably on the way out. Just hope the others don't have it and I caught it in time.
It's not gleet. Leaning more toward the serious stuff.. I probably should send him from necropsy.. Blegh. It rained really hard a few days ago and I think he got himself really wet (and likely drank some nasty puddle water).

His poo is EXTREMELY runny, as in, yellow water. It looks and smells like rotten egg, but well, it's not. He's not eating or drinking (I cooked a yolk for him, added some probiotic powder). He's probably on the way out. Just hope the others don't have it and I caught it in time.

If you're inclined you might take a stool sample to the vet and see if they can test it for pathogens...don't know how much that costs but it would be cheaper than a necropsy, I'm thinking.

Right after getting a stool sample I'd kill him and dispose of the body real well...what he has doesn't sound good.

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