Simulated Natural Nest Incubation~Experiment #1 So it begins....

Nice link, Cowpoke. In the big commercial incubators where they might have 60,000 eggs in one incubator, that number of eggs generate so much heat late in incubation that the problem is more of getting rid of the excess heat instead of having to heat the eggs, especially in the middle. The eggs generating their own heat is part of why I don't worry about a broody being off the nest for a while or an incubator losing power for a while, especially late in incubation even if I don't have 60,000 eggs in there. Getting excited and doing something dramatic isn't likely going to help and it's usually not a big deal anyway unless something really extreme happened.
I'm near Freeport, Texas, on the Gulf Coast, where it's supposed to rain regularly and get our fair share of hurricanes.
I am in Rosenberg, TX (SW of Houston). So far we have received 6" of rain. Sun is peeking out right now, but we are suppose to get more!

My little rain dance!!!
Do any of you remember going out and playing in the rain when you were young?? I haven't done that, well since I was young!!! A looonnnggg time ago! I think I would get out and play in this rain, if I lived in Tx!!
Sounds so refreshing. We were in Houston texas about 6 years ago, living off and on. Dh was working there. It was very dry and dusty. When it did rain, the humidity was stifling! So if you went out and played in the rain, it would be like taking a warm shower!!
Here we do dance in the rain. I remember last year it hadn't rained for a long time. I was in town when it started pouring down rain. Normally people will stand indoors waiting for it to stop. Not this time. You should have seen the people leisurely walking to their vehicles and smiling. Me....I skipped to the car!

Lisa :)
Another thing Bee, Keep in mind that the embryo, as it grows creates temp, too. Check this chart out:

Found that out as I have to lessen the heat more and more as I go along....even now am using the pad on the lowest control and with a spacer in between it and the eggs, so keeping the internal temps on around 98-99 right now but usually this puts it right on 100 even with the spacer. The chicks seem very active in there and doing well...hope they all make it.
Im setting up know im useing a fish tank and a heat lamp i added a bit of hay and the eggs and a wet sponge temp is 100 i added a small fan to the tank seemed to bring the temp down a bit ..I hope to see sm chicks in 21 days if all goes well
Bee, I hope do don't mind if I go 'off topic' for just a moment and post a request here....

If anyone in the Pennsylvania, NY, East Ohio, W. Virginia or Northern Maryland area has or knows someone who has some old fashioned White Leghorns who would have hatching eggs available I would love their contact info....

I have 2 more broodies.... actually, it is 2 of the 3 'sisters' who co-brooded' their hatches in March! They both went 'back in the box' within a day of each other over the weekend. I have a friend who had to give up his flock of aging WLHs due to their declining condition this spring and he hasn't been able to find any for sale locally.... I figure the perfect solution is for me to find hatching eggs, let my broodies do their thing and raise them for a month or so and teach them how to fend for themselves, then hand them over to Glenn to replenish his coop. To me it is great, since my hubby and I get such a kick out of watching the broodies and this way we don't need to worry about selling the youngsters!

So if anyone out there has contacts for some good old fashioned LHs please let me know!


I now return you to your originally scheduled postings! LOL
Found that out as I have to lessen the heat more and more as I go along....even now am using the pad on the lowest control and with a spacer in between it and the eggs, so keeping the internal temps on around 98-99 right now but usually this puts it right on 100 even with the spacer. The chicks seem very active in there and doing well...hope they all make it.

Great! I hope so too!
The nest is holding good temps and the eggs in this nest look the best of any I've had yet....very many veins, good and vigorous movement inside, easily visualized and nice sized eggs. I have high hopes for this nest and hatch. The air cells look right on track and a goodly size. On Day 12 right now and will check air cells on Day 18 for the proper pipping site before I stop turning them.

I haven't shuffled the eggs much in this nest...just a few eggs and just a couple of it should be interesting if I get any late bloomers. I'm hoping I don't.

Trying to hold a broody on the nest until these chicks come so I won't have to worry about brooding them. Going to try and move her to the brood pen tomorrow night in preparation for the adoption.

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