Single Baby Chick Alone-- Should I?

Yes, you are locked into a cycle with your solo chick: on one hand alone = terrified/lonely, on the OTHER hand, contact with you = more bonding/dependance.

The ONLY way out that I can see is to get it a companion ASAP, while it is still very young & impressionable, if it bonds to a new chick, or silkie Mom, or WHATEVER, you will both be much happier!!!!!!!!!!! (and less sleep deprived!).
Silky is kind of feral, the people I got her from hardly ever went anywhere near their chooks, and as a result, she's quite crazy. If I bought her in inside and put her in the brooder, she would quite literally kill the baby and smash the box in an attempt to get out.

And $3? You're kidding me right? Try $13.

But I'm doing the pet shop trawl today, looking for at least one companion. I HAVE to!

I actually spent about 3 hours last night sleeping, in my bed, laying on one side, with towels all in front of me and draped over me, and baby was curled up against me. I woke up to find she had crawled down my shirt and was in my bra.
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Ok i had five babies but they still always wanted to have me around and they would scream if i wasnt around so if you cant get another chick than you should take a basket and put a blanket or something warm on the bottom and then put a sheet over top but make sure he/she can breathe. If the chick is young than it will think that it is under its mama, at least it worked with mine, but the basket has to be small and the chick has to be kind of like it is in a cacoon!!
At least that is what i think of!!
If that doesnt work you should try to find another chick to put in with it or maybe a broody hen if you have one!! Hope that hepled!! If it works could you tell me??
My heart is broken. My entire flock of standard australopes and rooster were devoured by a predator. I also had 4 silkies. One head was bitten off and two had broken necks. I only have one Silkie and I brought her in although my 3 bantam buffs were unharmed. I am worried about the single Silkie and I am afraid to put her in the coop with the others. Any suggestions would be great. My neighbor has ducks and chickens that free roam and none of hers were attacked. Mine were in a fenced run with coops with a small run attached to each coop. I also have predator eye on each coop. Any ideas about what animal could've been brave enough to do this with the fence run attached to the back yard fence with 3 Boxers patrolling? Unfortunately this happened while I was away.
Update: Two of my neighbors chickens were attacked. It is a red fox that is so bold it attacked with two Doberman my neighbors have and never dropped the duck when it was chased. Will my 9 week Silkie a just to another adult Silkie? I hatched her and I don't want to lose my last one of my hatch.
I have a single chick too, found it some bantam buddies but they are a few days older, be ok to put them together? Or will they pick on my day old? Thanks!!

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