Single chick


Apr 19, 2016
So on a whim I hatched an egg from a brahma hen (or so I think) that I had just bought. I set up a cardboard box and put a paper towel on bottom, showed it the water and feed (it took both). I also set up the light for it and put a thermometer under it so I know the temp. So my question is, is the constant chirping because it's alone? It had stopped now but it chirped for a long time.
First time hatchet here so....
Also I have 3-week old chicks with their mom. At some point could I put this chick with them?
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Chickens are social flock animals and do not do well as singles. Sometimes it can't be avoided, and people use various coping mechanisms like mirrors, dusters, etc., but another chick is the best thing. At this point, it is too young to put with your 3-week olds (eventually you will be able to). I would seriously consider getting another chicks from a friend, someone close by on this board, or a day-old from a feed store. Your little one will be much happier (and quieter). You will be happier as well.
The local feed store isn't getting anymore in until the first of May. The other egg isn't set to hatch until next week. I may be able to get one Friday tho...
Wish I had thought about this beforehand and I could have set 2 together
At what age do you think I could put it with the older ones?
Add a radio! I have an old portable radio (do they make them any more??) and I find chicks like the classical station....
Add a radio! I have an old portable radio (do they make them any more??) and I find chicks like the classical station....
LOL! Everyone makes fun of me for putting a radio in the coop! Originally it was there to keep predators away, but then I found, they really like the music! :) Mine like Country!! ;-)
So I got another chick but it's older. It's too hot for it in there with the other chick but that chick seems content with the heat!!! The new one is over heating. What do I do now??

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