Sitting quiet...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 18, 2014

Hope you are all well. So none of our chickens have lay yet. We have four in total and one of our girls, an Amber Star named Amber is usually the first one out of the coop without fail every morning. She normally stays out too and just has a constant ponder about. However, today is very different. She is sat inside looking out at the top tier of the coop just watching, she has hardly moved all day. I am hoping this means our first egg is on the way?! If not, I am not sure why she is doing this, it is so out of her character!

Claire x
I would check and make sure she has no signs of illness. Check her crop, listen to her breathing, listen for any signs of wheezing . Watch her closely make sure she's eating. Usually before chickens begin to lay their are signs like reddening of the comb, cackling and behaving nervously and one big tell tale sign that means eggs are With in that week is squatting when you approach them. They will squat down for you. But staring into the top of the coop and not moving isn't a egg laying sign. Make sure nothing is in the coop scarring her. Also watch her for any other signs of illness. Watch her poo. Is it normal? I'd keep a close eye on her making sure she is alright. Look for the other signs of laying like the squat. Hope this helps and best wishes
I would check and make sure she has no signs of illness. Check her crop, listen to her breathing, listen for any signs of wheezing . Watch her closely make sure she's eating. Usually before chickens begin to lay their are signs like reddening of the comb, cackling and behaving nervously and one big tell tale sign that means eggs are With in that week is squatting when you approach them. They will squat down for you. But staring into the top of the coop and not moving isn't a egg laying sign. Make sure nothing is in the coop scarring her. Also watch her for any other signs of illness. Watch her poo. Is it normal? I'd keep a close eye on her making sure she is alright. Look for the other signs of laying like the squat. Hope this helps and best wishes

Thanks for your advice, sorry it has taken a long time to get back, it has been quite a day back and forth. She seems to be healthy, when I went out she came up to me and followed me about, which is how she normally acts. She might of had a bit of a falling out with the boss I suppose at some point today out of view. As for the squatting thing, her and Sparkle, one of my other girls have just started doing that this week. They squat when they realise I am going to touch them or if I approach them, I didn't realise that this was a sign I just thought they were being a bit more weary of me. How long do they normally do that for beforehand?

Claire x
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As with most other things about chickens, it varies. A lot. I've heard of chickens squatting and then laying that same week. I have an EE hen that has been squatting for three weeks, but no eggs from her. My four laying wyandottes never squatted, but started laying a week ago. When their combs and wattles redden and swell, and they start getting very interested in the nest box, you're in the home stretch.
As with most other things about chickens, it varies. A lot. I've heard of chickens squatting and then laying that same week. I have an EE hen that has been squatting for three weeks, but no eggs from her. My four laying wyandottes never squatted, but started laying a week ago. When their combs and wattles redden and swell, and they start getting very interested in the nest box, you're in the home stretch.
I suppose it can never be an easy answer with anything like you say, just feel very lost as we are so new to it. My husband completed their new home today so we moved them into it tonight whilst they were calm. They were just in a two tier rabbit hutch and run before with no proper layout for them. Now they have a proper coop with designated nesting boxes and a bigger run space (they free range when I am home), so therefore if any of them are starting to think about laying, they will have a safe cosy place to do it now. I will make sure I have a proper look at how they are all doing in the morning, especially Amber. x
Hi if they just started squatting I'll bet you get eggs within one week. It's always a tell tale sign that eggs are within that week. My last baby squatted on a sun and her eggs appeared Friday .It's usually not longer than 7 days after the squat. Hope this helps and congrats on eggs coming!
Thanks for your reply. Ooo I really hope so, I can't wait to find the first one there. They seem to like their new home, and Amber has perked up again today, so fingers crossed. x

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