skinning v/s plucking


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
I am wanting to get your thoughts on skinning or plucking. We ordered chicks from Mt. Healthy and we are getting the bonus chicks and are planning on putting them in the freezer.
skinning is just as much work as scalding and plucking, I've done both and will still do both, but of you don't have a good technique they both can be difficult
I like to pluck a couple of meat birds to roast whole. The rest, I skin and dismember, then separate them into like pieces and freeze them. I do not love picking chickens.
They both are good options.....I like the skin left on because I spin most of mine on the bbq. I think it helps keep the bird moist.
There was a thread about this earlier with plenty responses, including mine
Meat birds are incredibly easy to pluck. Not a bit like older dual purpose can practically just wipe the feathers off with your hands on a meaty. If I were to do it again, I would dry pluck most of the bird and save the feathers...they are that easy.

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