Skinny Chickens

Hello, I'm also trying to see why my girls are skinny. What is a good wormer? I've tried garlic, and I use diatomaceous earth always in the coop. I will also get some vitamins.
If you suspect that your chickens have worms, you should consult your veterinarian to confirm and prescribe a treatment plan. If you treat for worms without confirmation, you can develop a resistance to the treatments for worms.
I have 7 laying hens; 1- Leghorn, 2-barred rock and 4-buff Orpingtons. All are 1 year old. All are not laying everyday. All feel like skin and bones. Their breast bone sticks out. Can't feel any meat on the breast. Their appetite is good and very alert. I feed them 1 cup of corn everyday along with all the laying pellets they want. Their poop looks normal. Anything I can do to put weight on them.

i also have a leghorn

she's a lot smaller than my other chickens.. is it because of the type of breed?

there are plenty of food and water.. as of today she's about 1/2 - 2/3 the size of my other chickens :/

I've got 3 Isa Browns, they are all laying at this point. I believe the one in question isn't as consistent as the other two, Shadow. She just doesn't seems as wide as the other girls. My other two are nice and fluffy, wide, and Blondie produces the largest eggs of the three. Shadow, the one I'm concerned about, eats, drinks, scratches, acts like a normal chicken. If she weren't just small I wouldn't think anything was wrong with her. But since this is my first time raising chickens I'm always over cautious and want to ensure happy, healthy chickens. I've got a flock of 6, my 3 Isas, two EEs and an EE rooster, he's a gem but goes after them like a dog in heat. They've all become submissive to him so I don't believe that is the issue.
Thanks in advanced.

SHADOW the darker one, smaller one BLONDIE the lighter one

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