Sky High (RP) Role-play

(I don't think so, we should find someone to make one.)
((yeah, we should... but until we do, I have the librarian. she can stand in as substitute, if you want... though that may not be the best idea, since i'm homeschooled and have no idea what public school is like, let alone how to teach it.))
Quote: Winter headed towards the gym, keeping her head low.
(Mipuppy had coach boomer... since she left, and she left this RP to me, I will be RPing coach boomer.)
Coach boomer looked at his list of names on his clipboard, then looked at his watch. 10 minutes until hero vs. sidekick time. He was going to enjoy this.
((yeah, we should... but until we do, I have the librarian. she can stand in as substitute, if you want... though that may not be the best idea, since i'm homeschooled and have no idea what public school is like, let alone how to teach it.))
(Mipuppy had coach boomer... since she left, and she left this RP to me, I will be RPing coach boomer.)
Coach boomer looked at his list of names on his clipboard, then looked at his watch. 10 minutes until hero vs. sidekick time. He was going to enjoy this.

(Ok that makes since.)

Winter finally walked into the gym qyietly keeping her head low not looking at Cauch Boomer. She had heard he was mean and she did not want to talk to him.
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Phoenix limped into the gym, crutches swinging. Lexi followed behind her. Coach boomer sneered at the sight of Phoenix and Lexi. "Really?" he asked. "Well this should be interesting."

Devon, Matt, and Mulan came in after them.
Phoenix limped into the gym, crutches swinging. Lexi followed behind her. Coach boomer sneered at the sight of Phoenix and Lexi. "Really?" he asked. "Well this should be interesting."

Devon, Matt, and Mulan came in after them.

Winter stood in the gym quietly breathing from her mouth misty tendrils going into the air with each breath. The roof above her had a thin layer of frost.
((yeah, we should... but until we do, I have the librarian. she can stand in as substitute, if you want... though that may not be the best idea, since i'm homeschooled and have no idea what public school is like, let alone how to teach it.))
(Mipuppy had coach boomer... since she left, and she left this RP to me, I will be RPing coach boomer.)
Coach boomer looked at his list of names on his clipboard, then looked at his watch. 10 minutes until hero vs. sidekick time. He was going to enjoy this.
(it doesn't matter, I'm homeschooled too, lol)

Logan tried to hide in the crowd, sadly, there was to much Logan to be hidden. Jenny stood erect, hands on hips.

(who is Logan, why can they not hide in the crowd, male or female?)

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