Sleepy Chick


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Manchester England
I have a cream legbar she looks really good and healthy.In the middle of December we had a really cold spell -6 and -10 for auout a couple of weeks. Pearl the cream legbar hit 43 weeks old during that spell and started to lay beautiful blue/green eggs. once the cold spell passed she stopped laying. Still looks great but I've noticed in the past few days she keeps falling asleep in the middle of the day. seems to be eating and drinking ok but her eyes start to close head goes down and then she sleeps. wakes easy and goes back to her usual tricks for a while before dropping off again. What should I do?
Mine did eventually start to lay and did well for a few weeks then came into moult. No laying. She's out of moult now looking great cant wait for the spring cos she's not done any laying since and I'm told she'll prob pick up the laying in the spring. ;)
Mine did eventually start to lay and did well for a few weeks then came into moult. No laying. She's out of moult now looking great cant wait for the spring cos she's not done any laying since and I'm told she'll prob pick up the laying in the spring. ;)
shes laying again now and looksgood

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