Sleepy, cold, or sick?


Jun 14, 2015
I have a two and a half week old welsummer chick who is usually very active and curious. It has most of its wing feathers and a couple small tail feathers. She usually spends a lot of time out from under the heat and running around flapping her wings. I found her standing under the heat today. She's probably just cold, and when I picked her up, she perked up and was walking around with the other chicks. I haven't really watched them around this time of the day, so maybe she was preparing to go to sleep, a few of the other chicks were sleeping until I came over. She may just be cold, she isn't fully feathered. I lost two chicks a couple of weeks ago, and it began with them looking lethargic and standing under the heater, so I just want to make sure she's okay. Yesterday, she was eating and drinking and flapping around normally. I never noticed when she ate or drank today, but I wasn't watching them most of the day, so there is a good chance I could have missed it. Do you think she is sick? Thanks!
Sounds like coccidiosis. Has she been on dirt? Bloody poo? (though this doesn't always happen) Puffed up and lethargic? (sounds like yes)

Get some Corid and put it in her drinking water.
I also noticed that a few of the chicks have been sneezing a lot. The welsummer has not really been sneezing, but my black frizzle cochin bantam chick especially, has been sneezing. They are all acting normal, eating and drinking. They are walking, flapping, and scratching through their woodchips, and flying up on top of their homemade roost. I put a large drop of VetRx in their water, which is supposed to help prevent/cure colds. Are they sick?
She has had access to dirt, but they are on medicated food and have been since they hatched. Would that prevent it? She just went outside for the first time yesterday. I haven't noticed any bloody poop.
Where can I get Corid and is it safe for the other chicks to drink as well?
If they are sneezing a lot, you may have a respiratory infection going on. Chickens do not get colds.

As for coccidiosis, it's a protozoa in the soil. Medicated feed doesn't always take care of it, especially if conditions are really wet. It occurs naturally, but most of the time the birds have developed resistance to it. Corid won't hurt any of the other birds.

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