Slightly off but....

A tether, probably?
That's a cockfighting, they trim off the spurs and attach metal blades (removable) to their legs.
Yeah, that's just a tether in the picture. A lot of times gamefowl roosters are kept tethered because they have the tendency to fight each other if they're together, so that keeps the roosters separate from each other.
In cockfighting, the roosters are kept in a open area, tethered to a small house the tether is so that they don't fight the roo who lives next to them
My friend also has to teather her roos because even though they arnt an aggressive breed she wants to keep them in peak condition for showing. If they were all loose together they would be torn up just in time for shows... So its not just fighting birds that are tethered. Its also handy to keep roos that like to roam nicely in their yards. Neighbors appreciate that.

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