slow development


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
I have 7 eggs that have been in the incubator 18 days but when I candled them they only looked to be about 11 days in development. I did move their location to get the humidity up but then had low temps for about 2 days... could this be causing the slowness or did they possibly die early?
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I have 7 eggs that should be 18 days but when I candled them they only looked to be about 18 days in development. I did move their location to get the humidity up but then had low temps for about 2 days... could this be causing the slowness or did they possibly die early?
I do not understand what you mean with the first sentence. A slightly Lower heat will slow down the development some.
Sorry! I had a typo with the numbers but fixed it. Also some of the eggs around the edges of the incubator were cold so I moved them more towards the center where they feel warmer when I turn them. I just didnt know if low temps delayed hatching or if it killed them....
Low temps can delay hatching, but it can kill them as well if it gets too low or goes on for too long. If you have eggs in the incubator that felt cold when you turned them, something is wrong. They should always feel warm. Maybe your thermometer in your incubator is off?

Are the little guys still moving inside when you candle them?

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