slw jneed help


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 27, 2012
my slw hen lethargic, not eating ,not laying, stopped roosting sleeping in nest box. walks around very slow and and moves her neck around strange. just stands around not moving much stares in space. this morning she is unable to stand she tried to get out of nest bos and just lays around. I picked her up and she seems very light . someone please help
Sorry no one answered, but I'm afraid there is not a lot to tell you. There are many things that could be wrong with her. It certainly sounds like she is quite ill, at any rate. When they won't eat, it of course is not a good sign.

If her abdominal area seems swollen and you had noticed her sort of waddling when she was walking, probably the most likely thing is Internal laying (egg pritonitiss,) which unfortunately is a terminal condition. This and ovarian cancer are pretty common.

You might consider checking into having a necropsy done if you lose her. In most states, an ag college or the state vet will do this for a reasonable charge, but they have specific requirements for the handling of the body.

I'll give yuo some links in case you want to do some further reading on this -- especially post #4 and its links

Best wishes, and sorry.
my slw hen lethargic, not eating ,not laying, stopped roosting sleeping in nest box. walks around very slow and and moves her neck around strange. just stands around not moving much stares in space. this morning she is unable to stand she tried to get out of nest bos and just lays around. I picked her up and she seems very light . someone please help

Moving her neck around strangely could be a sign of Marek's depending on the severity of the movements. Have you noticed any changes in the shape of her pupil?

I would check her from comb to claw for mites or lice. Part the feathers around her vent and see if you can find anything small, red bug scurrying around or eggs around the base of the feathers. Sevin dust from your local hardware/garden store treats that.

She could be overburdened with internal parasites... Have you wormed your flock before?

And, as Judy said, it certainly could be internal laying or cancer (especially if she's older).

I would separate and confine your hen in a warm, dim, quiet place with her own food and water - something like a dog crate. This way, you'll be able to really monitor her food and water intake and remove the stress of being around other birds. Keep an eye on her poops. If she's quit drinking entirely, you'll need to tube her liquids to keep her alive long enough for treatment to work.

I'm very sorry for your troubles.

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thank you for your help. she is drinking and eating what I put in front of her and after reading some of these posts, I have noticed her crop is large and squishy. I don't feel any hard mass its just large and soft like fluid. I did notice a rotten smell when I was checking it for masses.. If it is sour crop does this make them stop laying? She hasn't laid an egg in over a week. She's only 2 yrs old. I am going out and check her pupils. Thank you again for responding .
Many things can make a chicken stop laying: predator scares, illness, changes in the weather...

In this case, with sour crop, you can treat with Nystatin. It's an anti-fungal available on line. Olive oil and crop massages can help break up any clumps of stringy grass that may have caused an impaction, too. You *can* help her regurgitate by holding her upside down and squeezing her crop from the bottom up like, like you would a tube of toothpaste. It will allow the sour liquid to drain from her.
<~~ There's a video that will help you get the idea. ***WARNING*** Forcing a chicken to regurgitate CAN lead to them aspirating the fluid into their lungs and causing an infection. PLEASE be very careful if you do this and remember that you do it at your own risk.

There was a member here who had success treating a chicken with sour crop with Monistat 3. :) I have no experience with sour crop, so all I can do is direct you to those threads.

I hope she comes around!

That would be great if it turned out to be sour crop and it could be corrected! The Nystatin is a great suggestion, if you can get some, and if it happens to be the right med, as sour crop can have various causes.

Just for backup, here is the approach that Speckledhen uses for sour crop:

She is certainly an experienced chicken keeper and has helped many on BYC. The yogurt in her approach probvides some of the same benefits that Nystatin does.

Good luck!
The yogurt in her approach probvides some of the same benefits that Nystatin does.

I am in the camp that never gives dairy products to birds, as they lack the enzymes needed to break it down and digest it.

Feeding fermented food, poultry pre- and pro-biotics do the same thing without the dairy aspect of it. :)

I know hundreds of people who DO feed their birds yogurt with zero issue. Your mileage may vary!

Just my two cents.

How is she today? Were you able to isolate her?

Good point, they are in effect lactose intolerant. Yogurt should be given in small amounts if used. These days with all these probiotics agound, I guess it's not really necessary any more.

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