Small Animal Roleplay

(Sorry if I sound rude but handlers are ppl right!! That's my guess ;)) dusty said"are you guys ancients??!!! I love people I had a handler family but they got murdered..."
(Your alright. The handlers are people.)
"I used to love people. She said in a quiet voice "But they betrayed me. Left me out in the wild to die." She showed Dusty her eye. "So the short answer is yes I am an ancient. If I ever see my old family again, I would eat all the wires in their house." She said in a more confident voice.
Age-4 years old
Breed- Husky

Personality-Tough,smart,big,fast,stubborn,caring,loving ,responsible,playful.
Will die for family,territory,food,friends
Has sharp fangs&claws
History-Once lived with a loving family until one day they left her outside she never knew if it was an accident. They came back and called her a stupid mutt even her favorite handler Hannah looked at Nira like she never existed. The parents were killed in a fire while Hannah screamed for help and was locked up in her room. Nira watched the fire and did nothing so Hannah died. Nira was the runt of the family, but her mother died at birth. Nira's father abandoned the pups and one day Nira's brothers and sisters got sick and died, but Nira survived.
(This is actually my dog, but her name is Ally and she's two)

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*i sit around watching you all i smile and hide in the shadows so u can't see me, and then I jump and my claws holds Jasmine down I laugh and jump off her* pathetic!! Sorry if I scared you i was looking for a snack *I circle you all the sit down and smile*

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