Small flying bugs??

can I spray the run litter and coop with this permethrin spray .5 spray?

I'm not sure; I'm using this and diluting it as the instructions say. I'm not sure how much of a difference there is between the one you have and this one...
If you think it seems strong, mix yours by half and see if it works. If not increase a little until it does. Or check the active ingredient permethrin on your bottle and google the amount of active ingredient on a bottle of permethrin spray for chickens. Estimate your needed amount by comparing those figures.
I bought a big light and have hung fly strips in front of the light with amazing success on catching all sizes of gnats. I prefer no chemicals if I can find an alternate way. This bug light over night has reduced the numbers of gnats. My quails are vocal again this morning which means they have gotten relief from the bugs.
If you think it seems strong, mix yours by half and see if it works. If not increase a little until it does. Or check the active ingredient permethrin on your bottle and google the amount of active ingredient on a bottle of permethrin spray for chickens. Estimate your needed amount by comparing those figures.
I bought a big light and have hung fly strips in front of the light with amazing success on catching all sizes of gnats. I prefer no chemicals if I can find an alternate way. This bug light over night has reduced the numbers of gnats. My quails are vocal again this morning which means they have gotten relief from the bugs.
And that particular spray is ok? New to this, just want to make sure there isn't a difference because the bottle doesn't mention poultry
I will continue to spray once a day through the peak gnat season.
I was just about to make a post about these! I see them on my hens' combs, when they shake their heads they don't come off. I'm in LA too, so hopefully we'll see them drop off soon. I've never seen them before.
They usually start dropping off in June or first of July. We never had these when I was a kid. I really don’t know what years they started showing up but they are terrible. Garlic in my birds water has actually helped to keep the gnats from around their face. I use Nipple waterers. I Spray every morning but the bug light with fly strips hanging in front of them are catching the gnats by the thousands. My birds are laying better so I know something or everything together with a prayer has helped. I’ve also wrapped one bug light with plastic kitchen wrap and sprayed it with cooking oil. Worked as well as the sticky strips. Anyone got any other ideas?

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