Small Pullet - thoughts on her health?


Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
Hey everyone - I have since done an ALL-IN-ALL-OUT culled all my birds. Now I am back to square one. I purchased some PULLETS off a lady - has superb chicken health practices and does not have any "mycoplasma - CRD - Cryoza" of the sort in her flocks.

I got 5 birds off her - they are all healthy and active.

However - there is this ONE pullet - she is small, delicate, she eats, drinks etc and acts like a hen. However, her eyes are shaped differently. They are kind of exotic and pulled back - her eyes are not ROUND like the others. Yesterday, I saw light dripping liquid from her left nostril. I took her out and isolated her she is on my deck now and I have been watching her very closely - no sneezing, no wheezing, nothing. - I took video and photos to show you and you can see it here >

I want to be able to sell my Cream Legbar and Black Copper Maran eggs for food and as well as hatching eggs (diversity) - I refuse to have MG, MS, CRYOZA and CRD infected carriers its not good for business.

Your thoughts are appreciated - I know I am going to have to sacrifice her to for the greater good to find out what is going on here.

Quite frankly - I am sick and tired of having to cull birds - I really hope this is not round 2 for me :(
Hey everyone - I have since done an ALL-IN-ALL-OUT culled all my birds. Now I am back to square one. I purchased some PULLETS off a lady - has superb chicken health practices and does not have any "mycoplasma - CRD - Cryoza" of the sort in her flocks.

I got 5 birds off her - they are all healthy and active.

However - there is this ONE pullet - she is small, delicate, she eats, drinks etc and acts like a hen. However, her eyes are shaped differently. They are kind of exotic and pulled back - her eyes are not ROUND like the others. Yesterday, I saw light dripping liquid from her left nostril. I took her out and isolated her she is on my deck now and I have been watching her very closely - no sneezing, no wheezing, nothing. - I took video and photos to show you and you can see it here >

I want to be able to sell my Cream Legbar and Black Copper Maran eggs for food and as well as hatching eggs (diversity) - I refuse to have MG, MS, CRYOZA and CRD infected carriers its not good for business.

Your thoughts are appreciated - I know I am going to have to sacrifice her to for the greater good to find out what is going on here.

Quite frankly - I am sick and tired of having to cull birds - I really hope this is not round 2 for me :(
Beautiful bird.
Hey everyone - I have since done an ALL-IN-ALL-OUT culled all my birds. Now I am back to square one. I purchased some PULLETS off a lady - has superb chicken health practices and does not have any "mycoplasma - CRD - Cryoza" of the sort in her flocks.

I got 5 birds off her - they are all healthy and active.

However - there is this ONE pullet - she is small, delicate, she eats, drinks etc and acts like a hen. However, her eyes are shaped differently. They are kind of exotic and pulled back - her eyes are not ROUND like the others. Yesterday, I saw light dripping liquid from her left nostril. I took her out and isolated her she is on my deck now and I have been watching her very closely - no sneezing, no wheezing, nothing. - I took video and photos to show you and you can see it here >

I want to be able to sell my Cream Legbar and Black Copper Maran eggs for food and as well as hatching eggs (diversity) - I refuse to have MG, MS, CRYOZA and CRD infected carriers its not good for business.

Your thoughts are appreciated - I know I am going to have to sacrifice her to for the greater good to find out what is going on here.

Quite frankly - I am sick and tired of having to cull birds - I really hope this is not round 2 for me :(
She looks like she's squinting. Did you have the flash on for the photos?
Are you able to take her to a veterinarian? She might have a respiratory issue, but I'm not an expert

I could but quite honestly - I have spent thousands of dollars taking chickens to VETS and they cannot tell me anything. The 1st issue I have ever had with Mycoplasma, CRD, Cryoza issue I had - I spent $180 on a throat swab that came back inconclusive. Then we did another swab they sent to another lab $320. That also came back as bacterial SO they suggested antibiotics $100 later, the chicken got better, then 2 days later back to coughing sneezing, wheezing etc - then they got me to purchase ANOTHER round of antibiotics (something different) and it was more than the last at approx $200. So those numbers are not completely accurate and that is also not including the examination fees and other fees ontop of all that. I finally had enough after 6 weeks of waiting to find out what was wrong - I finally killed the bird and sent it for necropsy. Came back positive for Mycoplasma Gallisepticm, Chronic Respiratory Disorder AND CRYOZA! Yup - all of it. At that point I culled everything - I was horrified. Now I am thinking I have to do this all over again.

Does anyone on this thread have chickens with MG, CRD and CRYOZA? would they openly admit it? APPARENTLY ITS COMMON!!! so is it acceptable?
I am beginning to think respiratory diseases are very common...will my hens still lay eggs? I have had 1 cream legbar death...and I honestly do not think it was from the MG, CRD or CRYOZA.

I am sitting here contemplating keeping a MG, CRD, CROYZA infected flock. The birds infected now ARE LAYING EGGS! Only 7 months old - new layers.

I am trying to do as much research on this issue as possible to make a decision.

I suppose the ALL-OUT (cull) ALL-IN (new birds) process is the only way to get rid of MG, CRD + CRYOZA.

HOWEVER a wild bird nearby could easily infect my new birds again...and here I am with a flock re-infected with MG, CRD or CRYOZA.

I really wanted to do sales of cream legbar and black copper marran hatching eggs...but selling MG infected eggs is unethical right?

I really need more insight here.

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