Snake attack caught on camera !


In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2015
SW Arkansas
I noticed I kept having eggs that hens were sitting on disappearing. So I finally got the smart idea to put my cheap game trail camera in the coop and low n behold it actually caught some action. The hen in the pictures survived and is still alive but the eggs she was sitting on were due to hatch any day :( Then just prior to this I had one hen successfully hatch 2 chicks but the snake managed to catch one of them and I assume ate it. Since these pictures I've wrapped my entire coop and pen with chicken wire so it cannot escape after it eats any eggs. Then I filled my boxes with golf balls to trick it into eating some. It took about a week or a little more for him to come back but it finally did and it helped itself lol. Thankfully it hasn't returned.

Oh my gosh, your poor girl...and those eggs! Wow.

Glad your girl will be ok, sorry about the loss of the eggs.
Wow! What kind of snake is that?

I'm not sure if was a rattlesnake because of the size and pattern on the snake or if was just a large chicken snake. Both very common in my area and I've already killed 2 large chicken snakes in my yard before this one this year.

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