Snake in the coop

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I'm wondering if all this killing and gutting to get already Dead animals is a bit obsessive. I understand that when someone hurts your pets, then owners can feel hurt and want to retaliate, but gutting it open? Very unnecessary. No need to do that to something that was just acting as nature had intended it to.
I don't blame you.. But i myself would have found something more than a rake..

Luckily we don't get many snakes here.. Or we don't see them at least. About 2-3 years back we had a brooder set up in the barn.. With some of our "prized" chickens as they were going to be main broodstock probably.. Needless to say we had 20-30 chicks in there, walk out there.. And notice over half is gone. So i go tell me dad and we walk out there, he says "there's the problem right there.." I look 3 feet in the corner from where i was standing and see a tail of a snake, walk around to the other side of the wall where i had gotten feed to feed the chickens.. And Voila, there is the head/rest of the body.. So he goes and gets the rifle, shoots.. Misses... Shoots again..Misses... Shoots and the snakes crawls on around... Snake starts striking.. Then he finally shoots it. Did i mention it had been years since he shot a gun? I can't help but think he should have just handed the rifle to my brother or i since we shoot BBguns and stuff all the time for target practice

And also luckily by the way, it was just a chicken snake.. About 5-6 feet long.

ETA: And since the incident im more observant now
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haha you sound like my wife
, I like snakes, i think they're pretty, LOVE the looks of copperheads, absolutely gorgous, BUT so long as they stay where they need to be, and eat the mice and such (black snakes can eat 5, or 6 mice in one sitting, trust me I know
) then I don't have a problem with them, but this thing was a good 5 feet long, what would have happen i it decided it wanted a kitten-snack too?

ohhhh but the prob is I would want the rattlesnake thats my prob!!

I wanted a rattlesnake for a long time
, but I was maybe....7?, now I realize not such a good idea

When I shot the one in my coop, I cut it open and TOOK BACK MY CHICK

I did that once!, only with a snake that got into one of my breeder pet mouse tanks, and ate a bunch of my baby mice and their momma, a bunch of these babies were colors I'd never had before!

Em honey I know you like snakes but, this one's time was up.

I wouldn't have had a problem, but then Becca, who is a snake..nerd?, yeah nerd, said that based on it's size, it was a good 5 or 6 years old, I was like "
you mean to tell me this thing had been alive for 6 years!?" it made me feel bad

I don't blame you.. But i myself would have found something more than a rake.

I did
lol I had a rake AND a 2x4!
no seriously, we do not have guns in the house because certain people have...anger issues?? guns may not be a good idea LOL​
Ducklove, I love the way your cats are looking at it, like "Can we have it, Daddy, huh pleeeeaaaassse?"

Only good snake is a dead snake. That's just me.
I really do like snakes, but they threaten me or mine and they are toast.

Good job Ducklove334! You are usually SUCH a weiner!

ok you know thats a joke and that i really love you
especially if you have anger issues
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Nope, would have been proud if you had just relocated it. No reason to kill rats snakes. Most farmers would have been glad to take it.
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