Snake in the coop

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Here is my snake story! 4 baby ducks in an xpen playing eating drinking. Here comes along a big blk rat snake looking for an easy meal, to my excitment this snake was headed away by my 3 lil min pins. Melody(13),Mindy(11) and Racheal(7). They held this snake in a corner barking and cutting up at him. I got to them and had a shovel but I do not like to kill ended up shoooooing it away. Now had he killed any of my babies I might of had a different thought. I was so proud of my lil girls..We also have a lot of street/barn kitties and sometimes find snakes flat and dead. You know a lot of time is spent in raising these babies, no one wants to loose any.
oy vey people, I didn't want to start ANOTHER flame fight.

deerman, had it been DAYTIME I probably would have taken it in the woods, but it was dark, and I don't fancy coming across a more dangerous snake, or a coyote

cutting open a snake IMO is no diferent than pocessing meat birds or quail or cats or whatever else y'all eat.
Well, as far as cutting it open goes, (yeah that's me, guilty of that but not feeling bad!) some snakes have LIVE YOUNG inside their bodies. I did not want to end up with a bunch of little ones to replace the giant big one. And, I had had a conversation with this very same snake a few weeks before, and advised him he was welcome as could be to all the moles, mice, baby skunks, raccoons or whatever but he was to LEAVE MY CHICKS ALONE! He enlarged a tiny hole in the screen wire over a window, and killed a large four week old chick, who was fighting back. If he was willing to go to that much work to kill a chick, he wasn't welcome, ever.

I'm allergic to chicken.LOL I wonder if I'd be allergic to snake meat
I went to home depot with my baby corn snake around my wrist. Nobody even seemed to notice. He kept so still he was like a bracelet... How I miss him.....

On the otherhand, good for you for killing it. If it was just hanging around there's no need. If it was eating chicks... it's gotta go. I wouldn't kill it for any other reason than if it was killing something of mine.
I'm thinking you should have thrown ol' anger-issue person at the snake.
Just wondering about something... we have lots of black racers around here, the largest get between 4 and 5 feet. DH says we shouldn't kill them if we see them since we don't have little chicks to worry about and the snakes'll kill mice and rats which could bring in diseases. He says if they take an egg occasionally that's their "fee" for keeping the rat population back. I've not seen any rodents, but I have seen the snakes around. My question is, can't snakes bring in diseases too? Shouldn't I be concerned about ANY creature other than chickens in my coop & run? Also, just how many of my eggs can a 5 foot snake eat over the course of a few days? I don't want to share with the snakes, but I don't want rats either! I'm so confused!
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