
I don't think there is a repellent for snakes. I wish there were

Unfortunately, they're attracted by the sounds of chickens.
Moth Balls work GREAT!! or grainules. Just drop them around in cracks or holes. Sprinkle grainules around the perimited of your yard. Just remember you will have to reapply after rain. I havent seen a single snake in my yard, EVER, and I live in Florida! Really works good. Was taught to me by an Old-timer.
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I have 1/2inch hardware cloth around the bottom of my pen.

I would think you'd have to do the entire vertical length of the fence, and use a smaller-diameter netting over the top? If you only do the bottom, wouldn't it just slither up the fence until it finds a wider place to get into?
Are they toxic to chickens? Or dogs? I've never used them before....

I can see how they could be useful to someone who coops up their chickens, but I free range them. So potentially, the chickens, chicks and dogs could eat them as well.
Are they toxic to chickens? Or dogs? I've never used them before....

I can see how they could be useful to someone who coops up their chickens, but I free range them. So potentially, the chickens, chicks and dogs could eat them as well.

I am sure that they are, BUT my experience is that they repell dogs, cats and chickens. My dog and cat will sniff at it and jerk their head back. I free range also, but the chickens don't care for it either. The smell seems to be repulsive to all animals.
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We are trying a product called Liquid Fence Snake Repellant. Simply because we have a lot of snakes, our experience is that they will be drawn to areas watered in this heat eventually, not to mention the chicken attraction. No adverse things to report yet. We spray a band several feet out from the run edges. Time will tell if the results are good.

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