
We found a 5 1/2 ft long black chicken snake in our coop about a month ago.
He was hanging around because we had several hens setting and hatching out babies; we are pretty sure he managed to help himself to a few of them before we found him.
That evening he managed to slip away from us 2 times before we managed to catch him and cut his head off!! I checked with the folks at my local farmer's co-op and they say that moth balls do work great. The co-op used to carry a product called Snake Away! that is essentially crushed up moth balls, according to the co-op manager. They suggested I go to the dollar store and get the moth balls myself and save a lot of money, which I did.
Our coops and runs are shaded on the back side with a wooded area and the snake was climbing a tree and crossing over a branch and dropping down to the roof and sliding in through the rafters. I put some moth balls in a gallon plastic milk jug and poked holes in the bottom of the jug so the smell would come out. We hung the jug from a low limb from the same tree the snake was climbing on. I also put several 2 liter drink and juice bottles out and did the same thing with them, poked holes in the bottom and put the tops back onto them. We put them around the back perimeter of the coops and pens along the ground. We have not seen another snake since, and when I go out to check on my chickens, I can still smell the moth balls so I figure a snake can, too!
Hope this helps!
That is a GREAT idea! I never thought of the jugs with holes. I wonder if the ALL the manufactured "Snake Repellant" is just the same thing as moth balls, but can charge more because will pay more for anything that says "Snake" repellant.
Get a female outside cat, have her spayed and make sure she isn't one of those lady cats that are lap kitties, she must be a farm cat. I have never had a problem with snakes now or in the past when I had chickens growing up!
That is a GREAT idea! I never thought of the jugs with holes. I wonder if the ALL the manufactured "Snake Repellant" is just the same thing as moth balls, but can charge more because will pay more for anything that says "Snake" repellant.

Do not believe so. The active ingredients, napthalene and 1,4-Dichlorobenzene , found in most snake products, can damage the liver (as I recall) if overexposed. I chose a product with mint and other natural oils. But it has to be applied more often that the others.
Mo Conservation Dept. says there are no effective repellents. They recommend fencing fragile critters (chicks, puppies, toddlers) and reducing habitat.
O.K. guys, a snake can not smell or hear. The only way to rid yourself of snakes is to do away with its food source. If it has no food source it will not stay. Making sure your coop is snake proof and getting rid of any rats/mice for it to eat is a start. That is hard to do since chicken feed is a source of feed for rats.

Don't waste your money on repellents because they do not work. I myself have 29 pet snakes and have studied snakes for years now.
I've used the snake stop around the barn before we got chickens - it has cedar, cinnamon and clove oil in it. I thought snakes smelled through their tongues?? I like the moth ball idea in a jug. We think a snake may have gotten one of our one month chicks yesterday. It was dead in the fully enclosed chain link w/ small wire too enclosure. It literally looked like the head and neck had been sucked, and the rest of the body was fully intact. Not a pretty sight, and a sad day for us.

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