
Apr 2, 2020
Norfolk County MA
Please help me understand what happened. I am concerned for my two remaining chicks.

I had two 2 week old Mille Fluer chicks I hatched myself. Both were appropriate weight, feathering nicely, ate, and drank frequently but dead chick had curled toe (unsure if related). Both had symptoms of sneezing and what appeared to be a "yawning" "swallowing" or silent "gasping" gesture for about one week. I have dusty feed (crushed to make small) so I assumed it was the reason for sneezing.

The Brooder Set Up: Large aquarium. Towel base with paper towel topping changed daily. Feed was Medicated Manna Pro Chick Starter Grower crushed up. No additives to water. A red heat lamp with ideal temp.

The Day One Died: @ 12pm Alert and healthy-looking. Its poop was fine (solid brown with white, moist). Food, and water intake normal. @2pm brought both outside for 5 mins (~80 degrees in sun). One chick was having a blast so happy and active. Immediately noticed the other chick was lethargic, sleepy/close eyed, sitting on haunches. It looked very sleepy like it just wanted to nap at first which is concerning when being introduced to a whole new environment (outside). I brought both back to the brooder. Sick chick continued to be minimally responsive when I prompted it to walk and barely responded to beak dipping to drink. No pasty butt, crop seemed fine, no noises besides beak clicking when it was moving, no more yawning or sneezing. It then sat on its haunches and couldn't get back on its feet. It died two hours later while I was panic buying Corid at Tractor Supply.


I cleaned the brooder with Lysol (virus, bacteria, mold) and threw out the towel base (no noticeable mold). Recently I bought a new chick and am isolating it from the older remaining chick with all new equipment and nutri-drench/probiotics to help get it strong. Older chick seems fine, will still sneeze and "yawn". I gave it the Corid because I heard it can't harm them to try.

New chick had both symptoms within an hour of being here but not nearly so often so maybe something in air?

I'm distressed to say the least. I'd appreciate any advice to save my very small flock.
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Addition: No nose or eye discharge. Eyes were slightly glassy. No swollen comb (compared to other). No smell. Its last two poops were milky white and watery.
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So sorry for your loss. It is hard to know why the chick died without a necropsy by your state vet. It might have been a weak chick or had some type of infection from hatching, but I don’t know.
Some chicks are just not as Hardy as others. Could have caught a light bacteria strain that others were able to handle
If you did it could have grown in there.
If you picked them up it could have been on hands could have been a million things.
Just happens sometimes.Sorry
So sorry for your loss. It is hard to know why the chick died without a necropsy by your state vet. It might have been a weak chick or had some type of infection from hatching, but I don’t know.

I think I know what it could be. Please give your input. Pullorum Disease:
Reasonings are:

1. Usually seen in chicks younger than 3 weeks old.

2. First indication is an excessive number of dead-in-shell chicks and deaths shortly after hatching. We had 2 out of 15 make it. All fully formed, half correctly positioned.

3. >Clinical signs variable and non-specific.

4. >White diarreha, with pasting of the vent is often a feature.

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