Sneezing Chickens

I have 37 adult chickens and guineas. I noticed sneezing a while back in several of the ones that I hatched myself. There are 4 roosters that are 4 months old. I have them quarantined and we were watching them this morning. I'm thinking I will just cull them because they seem to have issues. The parents were hatchery chicks; possibly related? Who would know?

My real question is - Is there a danger in eating these birds? No symptoms except sneezing and a bit of head shaking. Nothing else. I'd hate to just cull them just to trash them, and I wouldn't dare give them away. Eating would be a great option. Any opinions? (That's a joke, huh? :)
My chicks were sneezing from about 6 wks until 10 wks, when I finally discovered the cause. They were irritated at the shavings I was using for their bedding in brooder/coop, despite being PINE, not cedar, they did not do well with the amount of dust the shavings kicked up. First, I changed bedding to washed sand in brooder, clean straw in coop. Then I treated them with VetRx (from feed store), which is an otc nasal drops that contain essential oils that combat irritation and bacteria/fungus/germs in the nasal and airways. You dose by inserting into their nasal openings with some oil floating on water, then dip finger in and get a drop of oil/water mix on finger, then run up into their nose on each side. Easier to do than explain. I bet your chickens/guineas would improve with some of this. It does not contain medicine and will not taint the meat should you decide to cull. Sometimes sneezing from my experience is just irritation in birds, from kicking up dust, scratching, dry weather, etc. Good luck.
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Hello, we just bought hens from a hatchery, the add was for 12 to 14 months old, got home they were sneezing runny nose, I texted him he told me what to do, then I found out these birds were hatchery cut beaks, the combs where almost white and feet were also white which I now know that means these birds are old, and this man told me I inspected them, I asked him which ones were 12 months, oh and if anyone is in kc missouri he has a vendor truck at the light district, cooking up these sick birds. Anyone know who I need to contact to stop this man selling old sick birds?
Were these by chance red production hens? Also what area? The reason the disease keeps spreading state to state is bc these diseased chicken farms in texas where there are carrier birds that they dont cull. They sell them to people which in turn travel to another state to sell them bc nobody from their state would touch them w a ten ft pole. Thats how this disease is so wide spread. A man in kansas brought 1200 of these hens from texas and was selling them for $5 each and contaminating and exposing every flock for counties and states. Unsuspecting i bought a few put them in our second coop and once i really looked at them saw they were very diseased. They stunk like a dead animal! I took them straight back took our coops apart disinfected EVERYTHING and it was too late my rooster was falling on his face ill and 2 more hens. Then the rest of my flock. Im reporting him to the department of agriculture but hes down to under 300 hens left. Can u imagine the damage this will do!? Im no longer dealing with our locals in chickens. These chickens i believe had coryza or MG
Please excuse me if I'm asking the same question.
I have 3 18week old Pekin hens , they seem fine I.e eating and drinking . However two of them are sneezing and have small amounts of nasal discharge noswellinng.
I have added ACV to their water and have been using vetrx as well at night . Put a small amount on a cotton bud and rub over their beaks have also put some in their heads and under the wings as they all huddle together.
I'm really not seeing any difference if anything I think they are sneezing more!
I'm based in the UK so it's hard to find a vet that specialises in chickens , really not sure what else I can do.
I've checked their beds which is pine shavings and made sure their coop is well ventilated. They spend all day outside and are then locked in at night as there are a lot of foxes in my area.
Can any offer any help ... Please
Please excuse me if I'm asking the same question.
I have 3 18week old Pekin hens , they seem fine I.e eating and drinking . However two of them are sneezing and have small amounts of nasal discharge noswellinng.
I have added ACV to their water and have been using vetrx as well at night . Put a small amount on a cotton bud and rub over their beaks have also put some in their heads and under the wings as they all huddle together.
I'm really not seeing any difference if anything I think they are sneezing more!
I'm based in the UK so it's hard to find a vet that specialises in chickens , really not sure what else I can do.
I've checked their beds which is pine shavings and made sure their coop is well ventilated. They spend all day outside and are then locked in at night as there are a lot of foxes in my area.
Can any offer any help ... Please

Do some research on infectious bronchitis. That causes sneezing, goes through the flock quickly, and lasts several weeks. It does not cause swelling of the face or gooey eyes, but mycoplasma (MG) can, and can be a secondary infection. If there is just sneezing, IB is the most common virus causing a respiratory disease. Chickens remain carriers of IB for up to a year, so don't add or hatch new birds for at least a year. MG can make chickens carriers for life.
I have the same issue. We have 4 chickens ~ two who are 6 years old and two young ones we got this spring who are 8 mos old. One of the older ones has started sneezing constantly for the past month ( she is a Brahmin). She shows no other signs of illness ~ no runny nose, no discharge, no eye issues and no head shaking. She eats well and is outside free ranging every day with the others. I have tried repeated saline flush in her eyes, vet RX on nostrils and under wings and even just gently wiping her nose area with a damp cotton. They only eat organic pellets, dried worms, oats and organic fruits. They have always had acv in their water and always had pine shavings in the coop. We have great ventilation and good weather here in Northern CA. No one else is showing any signs of sneezing or illness. I suspect it may be a dust allergy as the only change is I started putting wood ash in their dusting holes and bin after having a lice issue. Initially I only used DE, and they dirt/sand dusted, but the other older chick had a sever infestation, so I used a small amount of sevin dust for her ( and she is now lice free and doing great).
I am extremely stressed by my poor girls sneezing and the fact that nothing I seem to do has helped her. After extensive research I am thinking of trying Denagard, just in case it is some sort of respiratory problem. Does anyone have an advice? thank you!

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