Sneezing, Coughing but no nasal discharge


8 Years
May 9, 2011
Arco, ID
Something is making its way through my coop. We just brought 7 little girls back from the county fair last weekend and on Wednesday noticed that the rooster and another hen were making funny noises and had a rattle when they would breathe. They were separated from the rest of the flock and after being out of town for the weekend, while checking on everyone tonight I noticed that there are a few more girls that are rattling when they breathe. There is no nasal discharge and they seem to be acting fine. We have had some pretty severe smoke for about the last month due to area fires, could this be causing it or did my girls pick something up at the fair and I brought it home to the rest of my flock?

Should I treat with antibiotics and if so, what??? I've read about Tylan soluble on here but have no idea where to find it locally. I do have some Duramycin-10 on hand but really don't want to use it due to the withdrawal period and it says DO NOT USE ON LAYING HENS???

Thank you for any help you can offer!!
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I have experienced the same problem from a few chickens I got from a friend, i called the vet described the same symptoms and he ordered antibiotic for a week on day 2 so we will see
I ended up using the Duramycin-10. Called the manufacturer and they said I had to discard eggs for 3 weeks after last treatment and to use 1 TBLS per gallon of water.

This is for anyone else doing a search on Duramycin-10.
Sounds like a respritory condition you probably did get at the fair. Fairs can be terrible like being on an airplane, where one bug can get so many. Prayers that the Duraymicin does the trick.
I ended up using the Duramycin-10. Called the manufacturer and they said I had to discard eggs for 3 weeks after last treatment and to use 1 TBLS per gallon of water.

This is for anyone else doing a search on Duramycin-10.
Are you sure it was 1 TABLESPOON per gallon...I was told it was 1 TEASPOON per gallon
The Rep on the phone said 1 TBLS per gallon and I wrote it as she said it and repeated it back so I'm positive that is what she said. I had always heard 1 tsp per gallon, too.
Sorry to hijack your thread!
I too have hens back from the fair. Its been almost a month. They were quarantined for 2wks, then put back in general population. 3 or 4 days after being back in with others, one presented with a runny eye, and another was gurgly and rattly while breathing. I put them back into quarantine, and started on tylan. They have had 5 doses. They both act fine, and never went off food.
My question is, when is it safe to reintroduce to flock? The hen with runny eye, cleared up in a few days. The other hen, is much improved, no rattle, just an occasional cough.

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