Sneezing, Gaping, Liquid from mouth


7 Years
Sep 11, 2016
Soquel, Ca
I am concerned about my hen because this morning a small amount of liquid drooped from her mouth. This was the first time that I noticed it, and it was not very much, but I know that isn't normal. I've also noticed her doing a little thing like licking her lips or kind of clicking her beak. She's also been gaping really wide and kind of whipping her neck around and sneezing. She had a sneezing fit where she opened her mouth wide and sneezed a bunch, it seemed like she had something stuck in her throat.

She is still eating, drinking, and pooping completely fine. She showed interest in treats and was digging around too.

Another concern is that she hasn't laid eggs in a few days. We recently integrated two pullets into the mix and it may be stressing her out. She used to live with just one other chicken who went broody for a long time, then spent time in a separate house with her two chicks, and they have now been integrated for about 3-4 weeks. Then hen I am worried about, Happy Feet, is the top of the pecking order and she can be very assertive. She chases the others off, and hogs all of the food. I wonder if she is feeling sicker than she shows, and trying to hide it because she wants to appear strong. She kind of separated herself today and I noticed that she was sneezing a lot.

These are simply the things I've noticed. I wonder if is gapeworms or a respiratory disease. I have noticed in the other flock some gaping, but I think that they may have just been yawning (about a week ago). Since the pullets are so young, only 6 weeks, I'd assume they would be much sicker by now if that meant anything. I will take her to the vet eventually if my concern grows, but for now, I was wondering if anyone had any idea what it may be or remedies I could use to help her. I may be overanalyzing anyways, but I feel a little more at ease by putting it out there.

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