Snow Already?


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
Well, I wanted to wait and share this coop after it was DONE, but...

We've been building it in the garage and moved it out to put the trusses up. And then the weatherman threw us a curveball. They said 3 inches likely -- well, at least it won't be 3 inches INSIDE the new coop!! Sheesh.

More pics to come when it's DONE.


Yeah - we got ~4 inches on Friday/Saturday and I contended with a frozen waterer all weekend. It was cold - I don't think it got as high as 30 deg on Saturday.
I think my next project is running a conduit and electric line out towards the coop and install an outdoor outlet.
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My hens went through their first snow fall. They exited the Cube Coop in delight. Of course I paneled the sides of the run so it was clear of snow for them to romp around.
With our first snow yesterday morning, the girls wouldn't come out of their tractor for their usual itinerary of free-rangin'. When I opened the nest box door for eggs, one of them jumped out onto the edge, then up to the peak of the coop where she sat for 15 minutes trying to figure out what this white stuff was and why it was so cold...finally, I picked her up and put her back inside with the others. They didn't come out to play until the snow started to melt that afternoon!

It's gonna be a long winter...

We only get flurries or a dusting if we get snow at all. In the past 15 years we've only had more than a few inches of snow 3 or 4 times and it only stayed around more than a day once that I can remember. Don't get me wrong, it gets cold here, but mostly it's wind chill. Being so close to the ocean keeps it too warm here for snow.

I'd like for my kids to see a foot or more, but I guess I'll have to take them to a ski resort for that.

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