So confused with EE genetics


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Cape Cod
hi y'all! My students want to hatch some eggs and I've never incubated my own. I've incubated before and that's how I got my flock. I have an EE roo. For hens I have a half faverolle half red star, a whole red star, an EE and then an OE. Will I always get EE because of my roo? Or do I need to only incubate my EEs. (I love my part faverolle. She's the sweetest) thanks!
Since all your hens are mixed anyways, the chicks will all be mixed. You stand a better chance of getting colored egg offspring from your ee hens, but you could end up with colored egg offspring from any of these crosses. It's a roll of the genetic dice.
Red star is a sex linked bird, will not breed true, but will join your other birds in a lovely gene pool slurry! Unless you're stuck on having chickens that you can point to and say that "This one is a (fill in the blank)." You might get some pleasant surprises with a barnyard mix.
Since these chicks will have to be given away I wanted to be able to say what they are. I'll just call them my fuzzy mutts :)

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