So disappointed, bought some banties from TSC

I bought some banties in Urbana (OH) last week, but they all seem OK. I would definitely NOT settle for "sorry." I suspect that the feedback you received is a result of their not knowing how to handle the situation. To be overly simplistic and blunt, you were sold a defective product. I would show up at the store with pictures of the group and the individuals to help them decide on how to proceed. Try the honey approach, save the vinegar for last resort.
You definitely deserve a full refund, but I wouldn't take them back. Technically, they're defective, so they'll end up "disposed of" if you return them. So if you don't mind some handi-chicks, I'd keep them. The bent toes can probably be fixed, and if not, they will still probably be able to get around well enough to eat, drink, and otherwise prosper. Just avoid breeding them. The one with the hindquarter issue is more serious, though...if it can't get around well enough, it may not make it.
Take photos of the chicks and their issues back to the store with you and insist that they either refund your money, replace the chicks, or allow store credit and at least get a bag of feed for their error and your troubles.
Technically, TSC recieved them that way from the.hatchery. BUYER BEWARE. You should always inspect the chicks you buy beforehand. TSC can't take them back, what would they do with them, but let them die. There also probably, is sign that states no refunds.
If you can't get a refund, try for a 'free' set of OK chicks. I can't see why they would even want the chicks back, but if they do don't give them back, especially if you can find solutions to their handicaps. But anybody buying from TSC has got to ask questions (about breeds, vaccinations, etc) when they buy and inspect the chicks before they take them home, like you would any other product anywhere else. You may also want to be sure you get a good representative when you buy your chicks because the not-so-nicer ones may try to give you the bad-looking ones and see who won't notice. We have to face it, it's Tractor Supply, not Chick Supply... it's not their specialty & their employees probably won't be chosen based on their knowledge of chickens.
I'm so sorry you had this happen. The toes can be taped and even the club foot can be taped and they have a good chance of a near normal life. The one with hind quarter issues is a different story. You would be better off going ahead and culling it. It will get bigger and heavier and unable to get around and it will be miserable plus you will get more and more attached and it will be hard to do later. I'm speaking from experience. Trust me, it isn't worth the heartache for you or the pain for the chick. Best of luck with them.

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